Design, Supply & Installation Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Systems &Associated Equipment - Multi Contractor Framework 2024

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Works)
4 year
14 Aug 2024
To 26 Aug 2028 (est.)
16 Sep 2024 09:00



Berkshire: Portsmouth

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Portsmouth City Council (the Council) is seeking to invite tenders from contractors for inclusion on a new Solar PV & Associated Equipment Framework. Contractors will be expected to undertake a range of energy generation works, including the design, supply and installation, and if required operation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic (PV) panel systems and associated equipment, taking on the role of Principal Contractor or sub-contractor to oversee and manage works using a range of either direct labour or through sub-contractors. The Framework will serve as the primary route to procure solar PV & battery storage for Portsmouth City Council, with works generally being undertaken to the Councils portfolio of nearly 15,000 social housing properties and 900 corporate assets to help contribute towards the Council's 2030 Net Zero Carbon target. The framework will be split into two lots, to cover lower value higher frequency call offs and higher value more complex packages of works - • Lot 1 - works to the value up to £300K, typically in the region of £20K to £50K. There will be up to 14 contractors on this lot, with a primary tier of 6 contractors and a secondary tier of up to 8 contractors. • Lot 2 - works from £150K, with no upper limit for the works but typically the works will range from £150,000 to £400,000. There will be up to 10 contractors with 5 contractors on the primary tier and up to 5 contractors on the secondary tier. Contractors will be able to apply to either or both tiers of the framework agreement. The framework agreement will be established via evaluation of tenders submitted for the following live Council projects: Lot 1 - Brambles Infant School and Nursery - Supply and Installation, with elements of Contractor's Design of 37kWp Solar Photovoltaics (PV) at Brambles Infant School and Nursery value -estimated at £40K Lot 2 - Mountbatten Centre - Design, Supply and Installation of 280kW Solar Photovoltaics (PV) at Mountbatten Centre -value estimated at £240K The framework will allow for award of call off contracts via mini-competition and direct award against a range of options. The value and type of individual call offs is expected to vary considerably due to the Council's extensive portfolio. The Council is aiming to have established the framework agreement by December 2024. Once in place the agreement will run for a duration of 4 years. The framework will be available for access to all contracting authorities- situated within Hampshire, Isle of Wight, East Sussex, West Sussex, Berkshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, Dorset and Oxfordshire who may use this framework agreement to install systems across their property portfolios. It is anticipated that over the 4-year period approximately up to £25m of projects may be procured through the Framework under lot 1 and up to £50m under lot 2. The above figures covers estimated demand by the Council and use from other contracting authorities that will be able to access the framework agreement, either directly or via the Council, although no commitment can be made in this respect. The Council will establish the framework agreement in accordance with the Open Procedure as defined within the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) following the timetable set out below: Procurement Documents published on Intend - 14/08/24 Site Visits - Brambles School & Mountbatten Centre - 21/08/24 at 10:30 & 12:00 & 22/08/24 at 10:30 & 12:00 Bidders briefing session via Microsoft Teams - 28/08/24 at 14:00 Deadline for requests for clarification - 05/09/24 by 16:00 Tender return deadline - 16/09/24 at 10:00 Award decision notified to tenderers - 01/11/24 Contract Award confirmed - 12/11/24 Start of works onsite - lot 1 & 2 - 09/12/24 Completion of works -lot 1 - 17/01/25 Completion of works -lot 2 - 31/01/25 The closing date for submission of tenders is Monday 16th September 2024 at 10:00.

Lot Division

1 • Lot 1 - works to the value up to £300K
  • Value: £25M

Lot 1 - works to the value up to £300K, typically in the region of £20K to £50K. There will be up to 14 contractors on this lot, with a primary tier of 6 contractors and a secondary tier of up to 8 contractors. Tier 1 contractors ranking will be based on the highest scoring contactors during the initial Framework setup. The scope of works / services / supplies that may be procured via the framework includes, but is not limited to: • Design, supply and installation work to properties for - o Solar PV o Battery Storage o Electric Vehicle Charge Points • Project Management • Supply of all materials associated with the Solar Photovoltaic System & Batteries • Design, supply and installation of associated technologies and services - EV charging points, retrofitting systems with battery storage. • Site preparation including for removal of any existing PV and other equipment • Installation Works • Testing and Commissioning • Operational and Maintenance Documentation • Servicing & Maintenance - as required The value and type of individual call offs is expected to vary considerably due to the Council's extensive portfolio. Works will be undertaken, but not limited to: • Social housing • Schools • Libraries • Community Centre's • Cultural Assets • Shops • Industrial Units • Commercial Units • Hospitals • Health Centre's • University Buildings • Other Business The Framework may be used by the Council when undertaking projects on behalf of other local authorities or external clients. The Council will also have the option to mandate the use of either tier Framework Contractors as sub-contractors on other projects. For example, the Council may ask the Contractors on the Primary Contractor Framework to select a Contractor on Lot 1 of the Solar PV Framework Contractors as a mandated sub-contractor. For standard works, the secondary tier will generally be held in reserve and only be invited to take part in mini competitions where the primary tier has been reduced in number on a contingency basis. The Council reserves the right at any time during the term of framework agreement to open competition to all contractors on both tiers of the relevant lot, unless the contractor is currently barred for tendering due performance and/or breaches in the framework agreement compliance conditions. The reasons why the Council may open the competition across both tiers is not definitive but might include for contractor capacity issues, previous delivery experience, niche work activities, long programme, high value, complex work constraints, differing contracting strategies / forms, specialist materials, geographical location of works etc. To ensure that the primary tier remains competitive over the course of the framework agreement both tiers of the contractors may be invited to bid for standard works with the results of the mini-competition used to re-establish the primary and secondary tiers. Call off contracts will generally be let via mini-competition but may also be let via direct award in, but not limited to, the following circumstances: • On a ranked basis • Additional work basis Where other contracting authorities utilise the Framework, they will be charged a 1% (of the contract value) fee to contribute towards PCC costs incurred in the setup and ongoing management of the Framework. PCC will invoice the contracting authority once practical completion of individual call offs have been awarded. There will be no rebate applied to future works which the Council as Framework owner contracts for directly or provides full employers management services for.

2 works from £150K
  • Value: £50M

Lot 2 - works from £150K, with no upper limit for the works but typically the works will range from £150,000 to £400,000. There will be up to 10 contractors with 5 contractors on the primary tier and up to 5 contractors on the secondary tier. Tier 1 contractors ranking will be based on the highest scoring contactors during the initial Framework setup. The scope of works / services / supplies that may be procured via the framework includes, but is not limited to: • Design, supply and installation work to properties for - o Solar PV o Battery Storage o Electric Vehicle Charge Points • Project Management • Supply of all materials associated with the Solar Photovoltaic System & Batteries • Design, supply and installation of associated technologies and services - EV charging points, retrofitting systems with battery storage. • Site preparation including for removal of any existing PV and other equipment • Installation Works • Testing and Commissioning • Operational and Maintenance Documentation • Servicing & Maintenance - as required The value and type of individual call offs is expected to vary considerably due to the Council's extensive portfolio. Works will be undertaken, but not limited to: • Social housing • Schools • Libraries • Community Centre's • Cultural Assets • Shops • Industrial Units • Commercial Units • Hospitals • Health Centre's • University Buildings • Other Business The Framework may be used by the Council when undertaking projects on behalf of other local authorities or external clients. The Council will also have the option to mandate the use of either tier Framework Contractors as sub-contractors on other projects. For example, the Council may ask the Contractors on the Primary Contractor Framework to select a Contractor on Lot 1 of the Solar PV Framework Contractors as a mandated sub-contractor. For standard works, the secondary tier will generally be held in reserve and only be invited to take part in mini competitions where the primary tier has been reduced in number on a contingency basis. The Council reserves the right at any time during the term of framework agreement to open competition to all contractors on both tiers of the relevant lot, unless the contractor is currently barred for tendering due performance and/or breaches in the framework agreement compliance conditions. The reasons why the Council may open the competition across both tiers is not definitive but might include for contractor capacity issues, previous delivery experience, niche work activities, long programme, high value, complex work constraints, differing contracting strategies / forms, specialist materials, geographical location of works etc. To ensure that the primary tier remains competitive over the course of the framework agreement both tiers of the contractors may be invited to bid for standard works with the results of the mini-competition used to re-establish the primary and secondary tiers. Call off contracts will generally be let via mini-competition but may also be let via direct award in, but not limited to, the following circumstances: • On a ranked basis • Additional work basis Where other contracting authorities utilise the Framework, they will be charged a 1% (of the contract value) fee to contribute towards PCC costs incurred in the setup and ongoing management of the Framework. PCC will invoice the contracting authority once practical completion of individual call offs have been awarded. There will be no rebate applied to future works which the Council as Framework owner contracts for directly or provides full employers management services for.

CPV Codes

  • 45261215 - Solar panel roof-covering work
  • 09331000 - Solar panels
  • 09332000 - Solar installation
  • 31158100 - Battery chargers
  • 31213000 - Distribution equipment
  • 31400000 - Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries
  • 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps
  • 31681000 - Electrical accessories
  • 42511110 - Heat pumps
  • 44523200 - Mountings
  • 45113000 - Siteworks
  • 45231400 - Construction work for electricity power lines
  • 45232000 - Ancillary works for pipelines and cables
  • 45261000 - Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
  • 45310000 - Electrical installation work
  • 45351000 - Mechanical engineering installation works
  • 45400000 - Building completion work
  • 48110000 - Point of sale (POS) software package
  • 48445000 - Customer Relation Management software package
  • 51112000 - Installation services of electricity distribution and control equipment
  • 65300000 - Electricity distribution and related services
  • 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • 71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
  • 71320000 - Engineering design services


  • Variant bids may be considered.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Historical Usage The Council have previously used a Solar PV & Associated Equipment framework since 2020 for the majority of their solar PV and associated equipment projects. The existing Framework will have expired by August 2024. Since 2020 more than £22.5m worth of work has been tendered via the Frameworks between the Council and other Local Authority call offs. Most of these works have been of relatively low value, although several larger projects have been tendered through this framework. The table below highlights the number of projects completed with different values since 2020. Value & Number of Projects £10m+ - 1 £1m-5m - 2 £100k-£1m -7 £10k-£100k- 19 Framework Management Throughout the duration of the Framework continual management will be undertaken at both a Framework and Project level. The management of the Framework will serve a number of key purposes, namely; • To ensure compliance of procurement activities (accounts, insurance etc.) • Monitor and review contractor performance • Allow mutual feedback and seek continuous improvement • Update contractors of future procurement opportunities via the Framework The Council will nominate a Framework Manager who will be responsible for the overall operation of the Framework and be the primary point of contact for Contractors throughout the duration of the Framework. On occasion representatives from The Council's Procurement Services and The Council's Legal Services may engage with contractors depending in relation to specific issues that may arise over the course of the Framework. Requirement to Bid To ensure that the Framework continues to provide an effective route to market for the Council there will a requirement to bid incorporated into it. The requirement to bid will only apply to Tier 1 contractors and for projects that follow the standard call-off process. The purpose of this is to ensure that tier 1 remains competitive whilst also affording the opportunity of Tier 2 contractors to move up into Tier 1 should existing Tier 1 contractors not regularly tender for works. Upon issue of an expression of interest, Contractors are to advise the Council of their intention to bid. If a Contractor fails to inform the Council of their intention not to bid or subsequently does not submit a bid following expressing interest, then following 3 separate occasions they will be demoted from the primary tier to the bottom of the secondary tier and the highest-ranking secondary tier contractor will take their place on the primary tier. If a Contractor advises the Council they will be unable to bid following the issue of an expression of interest, then this will not count against them as an occurrence and will be invited to bid against subsequent tender opportunities without penalty. If a contractor is demoted to tier 2 on 2 separate occasions for failing to bid over the course of the Framework, the Framework Management reserves the right to permanently exclude the contractor from the Framework following investigation and consultation with PCC Procurement representatives and PCC Legal Services. Re-tiering of Framework During the lifetime of the Framework the Council may wish to re-tier the Framework via a competitive process. This may be undertaken in situations where significant events have occurred that have impacted the market, which may result in contractors being competitive than when the Framework was established. Whilst this type of re-tiering exercise can be undertaken at any time during the Framework it would not be done more than once a year, except in exceptional circumstances. The re-tiering exercise would involve all contractors on the relevant Framework lot bidding for a real job using similar evaluation criteria to that with which the Framework was originally established. The results of the tender would then be used to establish the new tiering. Contractors will be able to submit new OH/P percentages and rates, on a meet or beat basis, during a re-tiering exercise. As per the original Framework procurement- • Lot 1 - the highest scoring contractor would assume position 1 on tier 1 and be awarded the project, the next 5 highest scoring contractors would make up the remainder of tier 1 and contractors ranked 7 - 14 will form tier 2 on lot 1. • Lot 2 - the highest scoring contractor would assume position 1 on tier 1 and be awarded the project, and the next 4 highest scoring contractors would make up the remainder of tier 1and contractors ranked 6-10 will form tier 2. Should any of the contractors decline the opportunity to bid as part of the re-tiering exercise they would be automatically placed at the bottom of tier 2 under the relevant lot. If multiple contractors did not tender, they would all be placed at the bottom of tier 2 with the final position based upon their original Framework rankings under the relevant lot. For example, based on the original tierings on lot 1, should contractors ranked 3, 6 and 8 not submit bids, the original 3rd ranked contractor would assume position 12 on the new tiering, the original 6th ranked contractor would assume position 13 and the original 8th ranked contractor would assume position 14. Contractors who are currently suspended from the framework would be able to submit a tender to secure a ranking on the framework but would not be able to win the subsequent project unless the reason for the suspension has been resolved i.e. the contractor was suspended for not holding NICIEC accreditation but before the award of the contract can demonstrate this has been re-instated. Social Value & Yearly Review To ensure that contractors adhere to their proposals to deliver social value, on an annual basis, the Council require contractors to provide a report to demonstrate which commitments they have managed to meet on an organisational level over the previous 12 months. The report will be providing details on how contractors have delivered against their initial social value responses provided at the setup of the framework. Contractors who are awarded a position on both lots would only be required to provide one social value report. The Framework Manager will then review responses. Contractors are expected to evidence delivery against at least 50% of their social value commitments within the 1st two years of the framework establishment and 75% delivery in the third year of the framework agreement. Where contractors fail to achieve the expected social value delivery levels on two occasions during the term of the framework agreement, the contractor will be demoted to the bottom of tier two. Where Contractors are deemed to have not delivered against 25% of their social value commitments, in anyone year, they will be demoted to the bottom of the secondary tier of the framework. Contractors who have not won work via the framework will still be expected to provide a social value report to demonstrate what social value outputs they have delivered against as an organisation. The Council will look to use the information provided to promote organisations across social media and publish through our communications team and social value page to raise the profile of organisations commitment to deliver social value outcomes. Contractors will be expected to honour their tendered trade hourly rates and OH/P percentages for the duration of the framework agreement. The only time contractors will be able to increase the rates and OH/P percentages will be when a special mini-competition is issued. Framework Access The framework will be available for access to all contracting authorities- situated within Hampshire, Isle of Wight, East Sussex, West Sussex, Berkshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, Dorset and Oxfordshire who may use this framework agreement to install systems across their property portfolios. Public bodies includes all the following - College and Universities - Fire - Government Schools Directory - Government Departments - Hospices - Local Authorities - National Housing Federation - NHS - NHS Trusts and Providers - NHS - Clinical Commissioning Groups - NHS - Area Teams - NHS - Special Health Authorities - Police - Public Sector Bodies - Schools - Social Care - Social Housing - University Listed Bodies -

