Delivery Vehicle 4 Primary Designer

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
21 Aug 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Scottish Water
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Scottish Water is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced Primary Designer as part of an Enterprise model to support the capital and operational programmes for the SR27 and SR33 regulation periods. The contract will be for a 13 year period, expected to commence September 2025. The estimated net value range of this procurement is £500m to £870m.

Total Quantity or Scope

Scottish Water is looking to appoint a Primary Designer to provide full design oversight for our investment programme, working with key teams in Scottish Water and our design and build Asset Delivery Partners to deliver outcome focussed solutions and drive standardisation and innovation. The successful bidders will deliver the programme of works under an Enterprise model of delivery which will require partners to jointly develop outcomes and deliver as integrated teams. This will be a bespoke contract based on the NEC4 Alliance model. For this, we require bidders who are committed to working in a collaborative and flexible way, who will support our drive for increased efficiencies and standardisation and who have the appropriate capability and resources to help us deliver our strategic ambitions of Beyond Net Zero, Service Excellence and Great Value and Financial Sustainability. Bidders will be required to have sufficient financial and economic standing to support the anticipated contract value. Financial standing relevant to the anticipated contract value will be determined by Scottish Water and financial checks deemed necessary will be conducted as part of the procurement process. A separate procurement will be launched at a similar time for Asset Delivery Partners to conduct design and build activities as part of the Enterprise. The procurement will be conducted under the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016.

CPV Codes

  • 71320000 - Engineering design services
  • 71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
  • 79415200 - Design consultancy services

Other Information

Scottish Water's preference is for organisations interested in this to bid as single entities as opposed to consortiums or joint ventures. Interested parties who would like more information are invited to contact Scottish Water at to arrange an informal discussion during August and September, and to register attendance at a Market Day on 24th October 2024. More information is provided below. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Interested parties are welcome to request an informal discussion with Scottish Water's Procurement and Supply Chain function regarding this opportunity during August and September. If you are interested, please reach out to Lesley McIntosh at by 5pm on 11th September to book a slot. In addition, a Market Day will be held on 24th October 2024 in Glasgow at the Crowne Plaza, starting at 9am, where further information on areas including the scope and projected programme of works, the structure of the Enterprise model and expected ways of working, the commercial construct of the contract and the procurement process. Should bidders wish to have one-to-one information sessions with representatives from Scottish Water's Procurement and Supply Chain function this will also be available on the day in person. Sessions will be limited to 30 minutes per organisation. Please note that unless deemed commercially sensitive all questions asked and discussion points raised during these sessions would be anonymised and published to all bidders. Attendance at the Market Day is restricted to three representatives per company. If you wish to attend, please contact Lesley McIntosh at by 5pm on 10th October 2024, confirming the name of your organisation, names and positions of representatives and company registration number. Please also indicate if you would like a one-to-one information session along with any questions or topics you would like discussed on the day. These will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Scottish Water will manage this process in an open and transparent manner to maximise the possible benefits. Participation or non-participation at an informal discussion or the Market Day will not preclude suppliers or advantage / disadvantage any supplier's ability to participate in this procurement. Scottish Water shall have no liability for any costs however incurred by those attending the Market Day or involvement in the procurement competition. Direct or indirect canvassing of any Scottish Water official concerning this procurement, or any attempt to procure information from any Scottish Water official concerning this Prior Information Notice (PIN) outside of the formal process described in this document may result in the disqualification of the supplier from this procurement, and consideration in any future procurement activity. To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Scottish Water online portal at http://Atamis Contracts Search (

