Boscawen Park Duck Pond Dredging

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1.5 month
26 Aug 2024
30 Sep 2024 to 22 Nov 2024
20 Sep 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Truro City Council have been successful in achieving grand funding to support improvement works to Boscawen Park as a part of the wider Truro Town Deal. An aspect of the wider masterplan in to undertake dredging works to the existing duck pond, which is currently utilised as attenuation for surface water run-off from the fields and land above. Over a prolonged period of time the duck pond has been subject to silt deposits reducing capacity of the pond. The Town Deal master plan includes to dredge the silt out of the duck pond, including silt trap, to improve habitat provision within the area and increase capacity of water that can be stored. The proposed works seek to improve flood capacity in the event of tidal surge and improve the public realm offering of the park. The duck pond at Boscawen Park is a key feature of the park's landscape, but it is currently facing significant issues due to silt build up, and structural damage to some stone banks. An initial survey has been undertaken along with a Preliminary Ecological Assessment, detailing the existing conditions of the pond and identifies areas in need of maintenance, repair, or further investigation to inform the scope requirements. Tenderers are required to submit their Tender Returns electronically in accordance with this ITT, comprising the completed Form of Tender set out in Appendix B1 along with all other information required in accordance with this ITT and set out below. Tender submissions should be issued in line with the requirements detailed on the Contracts Finder portal and should contain the contracts finder reference, submissions via email should be made to, and Tender Responses must be Project specific and must cover all of the information requested in this ITT. In support of the final submission tenders are required to provide: • Completed Pricing Document as Appendix A1. • Confirmation of Overheads and Profit as Appendix A1. • The Completed Form of Tender set out in Appendix B1. • Certificate of non-collusion as Appendix B2. • Acceptance of Contract Terms and Conditions. • Acceptance of Liquidated Damages amount. • Response to technical criteria 1 to 4 as Section 3.5 of this document. • Summary of turnover and workload as Section 3.6 of this document. All tender correspondence and queries should be issued via email to and using the tender query template in Appendix A of this tender document. Queries should not be raised to any other members of the Project team as this process will be managed by Ward Williams. Queries will be recorded and shared with all Tenderers unless commercially sensitive. Final tender queries must be submitted by 12:00 noon on 6th September 2024.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Boscawen Park - Duck Pond Dredging Invitation to tender Boscawen Park Duck Pond Dredging ITT rev 4 FINAL ISSUE.docx Pricing Document A1 Boscawen Park - Duck Pond Dredging Pricing Document.xlsx Tender Clarifications Log A2 Boscawen Park - Tender Clarifications Log.xlsm Form Of Tender and Non-Collusion Certificate B1 Form of Tender & B2 Non Collusion Certificate.docx Condition assessment and Briefing Document D1 - Condition Report & Scoping document M0600_Duck_pond_condition-report.Rev01.pdf Preliminary Ecological Assessment D2 - P4E3259 - 3260 Boscawen Park, Truro - PEA & BNG.pdf Location Plan D3 - Location Plan M600_MLOC_DR_L_1001_PARKGA_P_-DUCK POND.pdf Contract Preliminaries 21-5931PM-Prelims-2024-08-20.pdf Pre Construction information - Topographical Survey F01 - Topographical Survey SUMO-05167.pdf Preconstruction Information - Preliminary Ecology Assessment F02 - P4E3259 - 3260 Boscawen Park, Truro - PEA & BNG.pdf Preconstruction Information - Underground utilities survey F03 - Underground Utilities survey SUMO-13051-1.pdf Preconstruction information - Ground investigation Part 1 F04-1 Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) 21757 - Boscawen Park, Malpas Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1SG_1-166.pdf Preconstruction Information Ground Investigation Part 2 F04-2 Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) 21757 - Boscawen Park, Malpas Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1SG_167-end.pdf Preconstruction information - Tree survey information F05-2 BOSCAWEN PARK POND TRURO 12 03 19.pdf Preconstruction information - Tree survey information F05-1 4355 Boscawen Park TCP 11-23-A0 Portrait.pdf Preconstruction information - Tree survey information F05-3 EV 4355 Boscawen Park Phase 2 TS CA AIA November 2023.pdf Preconstruction information - Tree survey information F05-4 BOSCAWEN PARK TRURO 12 03 19.pdf Preconstruction information - record drainage drawings F06-1 210705_100_P01.pdf Preconstruction information - record drainage drawings F06-2 SWMH01_SWMH02.pdf Preconstruction information - record drainage drawings F06-3 SWMH02_SWMH03.pdf Preconstruction information - record drainage drawings F06-4 SWMH03_SWMH04.pdf

