Automation of Regional Control (SCADA)

A Utilities Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
13 year (est.)
30 Aug 2024
To 30 Aug 2037 (est.)



Whole of the Thames Water Region

Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Thames Water (TW) are seeking to appoint a qualified bidder to automate and optimise specific aspects of our Regional SCADA system. Currently, a considerable portion of the TW operation relies on manual management by a control room. The primary objective of this sourcing event is to conduct one or two Proof of Concept (POC) for hydraulic systems located in North East London; Coppermills and Lower Hall B Water Treatment Works. This will allow the control to be optimised, ensuring continued supply of wholesome water, whilst taking into consideration operating strategies to reduce leakage and energy use. It will also remove the risk of any human error. Subject to a successful POC, TW may decide to roll out the solution to other hydraulic systems across the estate. The roll out will be organised in sequence by five specific geographic areas; North East London (the POC), Ring Main, North West London, South London, and Thames Valley.

Total Quantity or Scope

The successful bidder shall provide the following services to deliver the POC: - Detailed Design: Conduct a thorough assessment of how the product will be integrated within existing TW infrastructure to meet both operational and maintenance needs to optimise the POC hydraulic areas. - Develop, Test and Deploy: Deliver a centralised automation solution that addresses our specific requirements, fully tested in advance of deployment into production. - Commission and Optimise: Full testing within the production environment to ensure the solution is fit for purpose and enables continued operation whilst generating optimal benefit. - User Training: Provide comprehensive training sessions for our staff to ensure proper utilisation of the solution features. - Ongoing Support: Offer post implementation technical support and maintenance services, up to 24 x 7, including regular updates and timely bug fixes.

Award Detail

1 Suez Advanced Solutions (Bristol)
  • Automation of Regional Control (SCADA)
  • Reference: fa2147

Renewal Options

Any Agreement awarded for an initial duration of 10 years (within which break clauses may apply after the proof of concept phase and at any roll out phase) and then with the option to extend annually to a maximum of overall duration of 13 years.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 48100000 - Industry specific software package
  • 72200000 - Software programming and consultancy services


  • Options are available.

Other Information

This is a Contact Award Notice

