AC cables, overhead lines, switchgear, and associated equipment and services frameworks

A Utilities Periodic Indicative Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Supply)
not specified
09 Sep 2024
not specified
20 Sep 2024 00:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
National Grid
National Grid Usa Service
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


This notice is published to advertise the virtual supplier conference events being held by National Grid on 24th September 2024, by way of pre-procurement market engagement in advance of launching a procurement process for frameworks at the end of September.

Total Quantity or Scope

National Grid are seeking to procure both the nominated equipment but in addition options and opportunities to cover aligned installation, commissioning and maintenance activities. The details of these requirements shall be detailed in the contract notice and subsequent pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and invitation to tender (ITT) document sets as these are issued. National Grid has declared an approximate Capex program over the next five years to the approximate value of £60bn. As part of its total investment in both the transmission and distribution electrical networks National Grid shall be completing a series of equipment and associated works within their transmission and distribution substation networks in the UK and US. This procurement opportunity is focused on securing frameworks for the supply of equipment to support these investments and works. There will be separate forms of framework for the UK and US. This notice relates to the procurement of AC cables, overhead lines, switchgear, and associated equipment and services. National Grid aims to secure capacity with suppliers through long term frameworks for the supply of equipment and aligned services with the flexibility to reserve production capacity, delivering value for consumers in both the UK and US. It is currently anticipated that the procurement process will be launched on or around 26th September 2024, by issuing a contract notice. It is currently expected that the procurement process will be divided into multiple lots, the final details of which remain subject to development, and will be confirmed (if applicable) in the contract notice. The PQQ will be made available as soon as practicable after the contract notice is published: please refer to VI.3 for details of how this can be accessed.

CPV Codes

  • 31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
  • 31200000 - Electricity distribution and control apparatus
  • 31300000 - Insulated wire and cable
  • 31600000 - Electrical equipment and apparatus


Other Information

Two separate video conference events will be held for 90 minutes, at 10:00 UK time (05:00 US Eastern time) and 15:00 UK time (10:00 US Eastern time), to accommodate suppliers across different time zones. To register your interest in attending an event, please contact National Grid using this link: Please confirm in completing your form which of the events you wish to attend, and the individual attendee details (name and email address). Invites will be issued by email. Please ensure that you complete and submit the form by no later than 20th September 2024. Suppliers wishing to participate in the forthcoming procurement process will need to be registered on Ariba and will need to be able to provide an Ariba network ID (ANID) to be linked to the procurement process (as a tender event in Ariba) and access the PQQ document set, once that is made available following publication of the contract notice. If you are not yet registered on Ariba, you can commence the registration process now so that you are ready for the procurement process. Please refer to the section of the form (accessible through the link in II.1.4) for details of how to commence the Ariba registration process or provide your Ariba registration details. The basis on which the market engagement events (i.e. the virtual supplier conferences) are carried out is as follows: - All information provided on National Grid's current thinking as part of the market engagement events (including the contents of this notice) should be considered indicative in nature and no overall decision on the procurement process design has yet been made, with all information provided at this stage being subject to change. - The market engagement events are not a formal request for expressions of interest in the procurement processes. Suppliers that do not attend an event will still be able to participate in the procurement process. There will be another opportunity to register for the procurement process in response to the contract notice once published. However, a supplier who is not registered on Ariba at that time may experience a delay in registering on Ariba and accessing the PQQ, so for that reason suppliers are encouraged to commence the Ariba registration process (as above - through the section of the form that is accessible through the link in II.1.4) as soon as possible, even where the supplier is not intending to attend a market engagement event. - National Grid is not obliged (and does not intend) to respond to any correspondence related to the market engagement events. - Direct or indirect canvassing of National Grid (or any person connected with it) by any person concerning the market engagement events or procurement process, or any attempt to procure information outside of the defined process is discouraged and may (in certain circumstances) require the disqualification of the relevant person(s) from participation in any future competitive procurement process. - Any costs of participation in the market engagement events will be borne by a supplier. - All information provided by National Grid during the market engagement events remains under development, is not intended by National Grid to create any contract or other commitment (including as to whether or not to launch any procurement process or the basis of such a process) and is not intended by National Grid to be otherwise relied on by any person to any extent. National Grid shall have no liability for any losses incurred by any person as a result of any such reliance.

