Expert providers to support WFD as part of the Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise delivered in partnership with FCDO

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
16 month
12 Sep 2024
01 Dec 2024 to 31 Mar 2026
06 Oct 2024 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Delivered in partnership with the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), WFD has been engaged as the primary partner to deliver the Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise (CoE) alongside FCDO's Development and Open Societies Directorate. The purpose of the Centre is to help the FCDO network and connect FCDO posts with expertise to better navigate and respond to democratic governance issues, challenges, and developments by serving as an authoritative source of expertise and insight, drawing on WFD's accumulated knowledge and evidence, and on input from our networks of partners and collaborators. WFD delivers most of its expertise either in-house or through its continuously expanding Roster of Experts. However, as and when appropriate, WFD may elect to put out specific calls for experts and/or Invitations to Tender. Due to the nature of the Centre's work, dealing often with extremely time-sensitive enquiries on specific / niche issues, WFD wishes to establish a panel of specialist suppliers to provide technical services from time to time to support WFD's delivery of the Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise in the event that expertise cannot be identified / secured internally or through WFD's Expert Roster. The requirements for services may arise as part of WFD's regional or country democracy support programmes, and as part of its international or Parliamentary engagement work but are expected principally to arise under the Centre of Expertise on which basis this ITT has been designed upon. Scope of work and deliverables WFD is seeking one or more specialist suppliers for each of the following lots: Lot 1 - Expertise in Political Economy Analysis/es, assessments and approaches We require the services of the supplier(s) to: • Support the Centre of Expertise in responding to FCDO Posts' enquiries for/on political economy / context and sectoral analyses. Lot 2 - Expertise in Media Freedom and Media Development We require the services of the supplier(s) to: • Support the Centre of Expertise in responding to FCDO Posts' enquiries on and/or related to media freedom and media development. Lot 3 - Expertise in Rule of Law and Justice Sector Reform We require the services of the supplier(s) to: •Support the Centre of Expertise in responding to FCDO Posts' enquiries on and/or related to the rule of law, constitutional law and / or justice sector reform. Please read the Invitation to Tender for further details on how to apply.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • 75000000 - Administration, defence and social security services
  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information WFD_Procurement_ITT_CoE_organisational_partner_panel.docx

