901_24 Supply of Binder, Storage Tanks and Spray Tankers

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
2 year
13 Sep 2024
27 Nov 2024 to 26 Nov 2026
14 Oct 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


This REPLACES the previous Prior Information Notice as tender documentation is now available. ESPO, on behalf of Leicestershire County Council (LCC), is seeking to renew its Supply of Binder, Storage Tanks and Spray Tankers framework, to assist with the undertaking of surface dressing works during the spring/summer season. It is anticipated that the new framework will be awarded in November 2024. The framework agreement has the option to extend for up to a further 24 months. The total estimated value stated includes the option period. Requirements (applicable throughout the duration of the framework): • To be a member of The Road Emulsion Association. • To be a member of The Road Surface Treatments Association. • To hold and maintain a relevant third party Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) based Health and Safety accreditation, for example Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) or equivalent. • To hold and maintain a relevant third party fleet operating accreditation, for example Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) or equivalent. ESPO shall monitor the financial stability of the awarded Supplier during the period of the Framework Agreement by reference to credit ratings agency reports. ESPO shall obtain a credit score for the Supplier on or before the Framework start date as a base score and where a significant change in the credit score is identified over the life of the Framework Agreement, ESPO reserves the right to investigate the reasons for this significant change and at its discretion, take appropriate action in liaison with Leicestershire County Council. To tender:

CPV Codes

  • 44113810 - Surface dressing


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

(a) Go to https://www.eastmidstenders.org/; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '901_24' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); (d) Express an interest (if not already completed via the previously Published PIN); (e) Download the tender documents (from the ProContract Activity summary screen, once an Expression of interest has been completed). (a) Go to https://www.eastmidstenders.org/; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '901_24' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); (d) Express an interest (if not already completed via the previously Published PIN); (e) Download the tender documents (from the ProContract Activity summary screen, once an Expression of interest has been completed). https://www.eastmidstenders.org/

