0981 Bio-Waste Treatment, Transfer and Transport Services

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5 year
21 Sep 2024
01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2028
12 Sep 2022 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 5 suppliers
Essex County Council
Birch Airfield Composting Services
East London Biogas
Envar Composting
Hadleigh Salvage Recycling
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

5 suppliers


Essex County Council (ECC) and Southend-on-Sea City Council (SCC) are seeking to procure Transfer, Treatment and Disposal Services for source segregated municipal bio-wastes arising in the county of Essex and the unitary authority of Southend-on-Sea. The contract will be lotted as follows:\r Lot 1: Treatment of Green Waste Only - ECC - 40,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 2: Treatment of Green Waste Only - ECC - 20,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 3: Treatment of Green Waste Only - ECC - 16,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 4: Treatment of Green Waste Only - ECC - 14,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 5: Treatment of Green Waste Only - ECC - 10,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 6 - Treatment of Food Waste Only - ECC and SCC - 20,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 7: Treatment of Food Waste Only - ECC and SCC - 15,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 8: Treatment of Food Waste Only - ECC and SCC - 10,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 9: Treatment of Food Waste Only - ECC and SCC - 5,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 10 - Treatment of Green Waste Only - SCC - 10,000 tonnes per annum\r Lot 11: Treatment of Green Waste Only - Tonnage with later commencement date (estimated from April 2024) - 20,500 tonnes per annum maximum\r Lot 12: Treatment of Food Waste Only - Tonnage with later commencement date (estimated from April 24) - 10,000 tonnes per annum maximum\r Lot 13: Transfer and Transport (Haulage) - ECC - Brentwood - 6,000 tonnes per annum (from January 23) - Earlier commencement date (from January 23)\r Lot 14: Transfer and Transport - ECC - Basildon - 19,000 tonnes per annum (from January 23) - Earlier commencement date (from January 23)\r Lot 15: Transfer and Transport - ECC - Rochford - 12,500 tonnes per annum (from January 23) - Earlier commencement date (from January 23)\r Lot 16: Transfer and Transport - ECC - Castle Point - 9,000 tonnes per annum (from January 23) - Earlier commencement date (from January 23)

Award Detail

1 Biogen (None)
  • Value: £30,000,000
2 Birch Airfield Composting Services (None)
  • Value: £30,000,000
3 East London Biogas (None)
  • Value: £30,000,000
4 Envar Composting (None)
  • Value: £30,000,000
5 Hadleigh Salvage Recycling (None)
  • Value: £30,000,000

CPV Codes

  • 45232470 - Waste transfer station
  • 77120000 - Composting services
  • 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
  • 90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment
  • 90512000 - Refuse transport services
  • 90524300 - Removal services of biological waste


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of separately collected food waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS 110/Quality Protocol quality standard (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the county of Essex and the unitary authority of SCC. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of separately collected food waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS 110/Quality Protocol quality standard (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the county of Essex and the unitary authority of SCC. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of separately collected food waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS 110/Quality Protocol quality standard (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the county of Essex and the unitary authority of SCC. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of separately collected food waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS 110/Quality Protocol quality standard (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the county of Essex and the unitary authority of SCC. The Contractor for this lot will be provided with Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) equivalent to 70% of their awarded tonnage in each Contract Year. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS110/Quality protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for SCC. SCC are considering their options with regards to green waste disposal therefore we have included their requirement as a separate lot from ECC's should they wish to take up any tonnage through this contract. This lot will be based on a zero-minimum tonnage. Receipt and treatment of green garden waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either the compost PAS 100/Quality Protocol or anaerobic digestate PAS 110/Quality Protocol standards (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the County of Essex. Lot 1F has an anticipated Service Commencement Date of 01/04/2024, however this date is subject to change and will be confirmed prior to signature of the contract for this lot. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot. Receipt and treatment of separately collected food waste in accordance with all relevant legislation to produce a marketable end product which meets (dependent on treatment type) either PAS 100/Quality Protocol or PAS 110/Quality Protocol quality standard (as may be amended from time to time) or equivalent for the county of Essex and the unitary authority of SCC. Lot 3E has an anticipated Service Commencement Date of 01/04/2024, however this date is subject to change and will be confirmed prior to signature of the contract for this lot. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot. Receipt of waste at agreed Contractor Tipping Points for bulking and onward transport of Municipal Biowaste originating from a variety of waste operations to dedicated treatment facilities/disposal points as directed by the Customer. The Authority will also be direct delivering tonnage through its own transport arrangements. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot. Receipt of waste at agreed Contractor Tipping Points for bulking and onward transport of Municipal Biowaste originating from a variety of waste operations to dedicated treatment facilities/disposal points as directed by the Customer. The Authority will also be direct delivering tonnage through its own transport arrangements. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot. Receipt of waste at agreed Contractor Tipping Points for bulking and onward transport of Municipal Biowaste originating from a variety of waste operations to dedicated treatment facilities/disposal points as directed by the Customer. The Authority will also be direct delivering tonnage through its own transport arrangements. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot. Receipt of waste at agreed Contractor Tipping Points for bulking and onward transport of Municipal Biowaste originating from a variety of waste operations to dedicated treatment facilities/disposal points as directed by the Customer. The Authority will also be direct delivering tonnage through its own transport arrangements. There will be zero Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) for this lot.

