EEM0072 Supply and Distribution of Materials Framework

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Goods)
4 year
30 Sep 2024
To 14 Nov 2028 (est.)
05 Dec 2024 17:00



North East England:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) is a procurement consortium which establishes and manages a range of frameworks and DPS agreements. EEM is conducting this tender exercise for the renewal of our existing Materials Framework (EEM0072) that expires on 31st March 2025 and our Supply of Kitchen Units Framework (EEM0074) that expires in 2024. Our new Framework has a planned go live of 01st April 2025 with a lead in period before. The Framework will provide EEM Members and Users with a provision for the supply and distribution of materials which fall in to one of the following lots: Lot 1 - Managed Solution • Lot 1a - Managed Solution National • Lot 1b - Managed Solution Regional Independent Supplier Lot 2 - Trade Specific Materials • 2a - General Building Materials including Timber, Joinery and flooring Materials • 2b - Electrical Materials • 2c - Plumbing, Heating and Gas (Domestic and Commercial) Materials • 2d - Renewable Technologies and associated Materials • 2e - Kitchen Materials • 2f - Aids and Adaptation Materials • 2g - Roofing Materials Lot 3 - Tool and Plant Equipment Hire The Framework is being procured by EEM on behalf of the organisations that have been accepted as authorised users. Authorised users are classed as any current company law member, any future company law members and any user that has been authorised access to the frameworks and other public procurement tools provided by EEM. EEM is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and is owned and governed by a small number of organisations who make up our 'Company Law Members', all of which are Contracting Authorities in their own right. The Framework Agreements being procured by the procurement exercise begun by publication of the Contract Notice will be entered by EEM as the Contracting Authority which will have undertaken and completed that procurement exercise. Any reference in the Contract Notice or tender documents to Contracting Authority is deemed to be and include a reference to EEM. The organisations entitled to access and use the Framework Agreements to be awarded at conclusion of the procurement exercise begun by publication of the Contract Notice are: Any current EEM Member - being an organisation which is a Company Law Member of EEM at the date of this Contract Notice and being one of the organisations who owns and governs EEM; Any Future Member of EEM, from time to time Company Law Members and the EEM Board may appoint additional organisations to become Company Law Members. All Future Members will also be Contracting Authorities in their own right; and A Framework User - being an organisation who has signed and agreed to the terms of accessing EEM Frameworks and who is authorised to access the frameworks and other public procurement tools provided by EEM. EEM frameworks may accessed by all publicly funded organisations. Frameworks can be used by any organisation that falls in to one or more of the categories listed below and can be identified through the links provided as users in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the Procurement Act 2023.

Lot Division

1 Lot 1A - Managed Solution National
  • Value: £230M

Lot 1a Managed Solution National will support Members and Users looking for a Supplier to provide a full range of materials including; General Building Materials including Timber and Joinery Materials, Electrical Materials, Plumbing , Heating and Gas ,Renewable Technologies and Materials, Kitchen Materials, Aids & Adaptation Materials, Roofing Materials either directly or in collaboration with third parties. This Lot will encompass the traditional requirements for over the counter collections, deliveries and van stock management but will also involve a range of enhanced options which will provide Members with the most efficient, cost effective and tailor made solution to meet their requirements. The above is not an exhaustive list of the types of Materials available for supply under Lot 1 as the Framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added should Members require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be permitted to direct award or run a mini competition using already agreed product lines, with any additional product lines being added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue. This Lot will encompass the traditional requirements for over the counter collections, deliveries and van stock management but will also involve a range of enhanced options which will provide Members with the most efficient, cost effective and tailor made solution to meet their requirements. Additional Services may be provided by the successful Suppliers to enhance this and options my include but are not limited to preparation of pre-picked 'kits', out of hours supply, full IT integration, consignment stocks and where required dedicated stores facilities. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 1A Managed Solution National . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 1 Managed Solutions 40%
2 Lot 1B - Managed Solution Regional Independent Supplier
  • Value: £120M

Lot 1 B Managed Solution Regional Independent Supplier will support Members and Users looking for a Supplier to provide a full range of materials including; General Building Materials including Timber and Joinery Materials, Electrical Materials, Plumbing , Heating and Gas ,Renewable Technologies and Materials, Kitchen Materials, Aids & Adaptation Materials, Roofing Materials either directly or in collaboration with third parties. This Lot will encompass the traditional requirements for over the counter collections, deliveries and van stock management but will also involve a range of enhanced options which will provide Members with the most efficient, cost effective and tailor made solution to meet their requirements. The above is not an exhaustive list of the types of Materials available for supply under Lot 1 as the Framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added should Members require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be permitted to direct award or run a mini competition using already agreed product lines, with any additional product lines being added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue. Additional Services may be provided by the successful Suppliers to enhance this and options my include but are not limited to preparation of pre-picked 'kits', out of hours supply, full IT integration, consignment stocks and where required dedicated stores facilities. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 1B Managed Solution Regional Independent Supplier . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 1 Managed Solutions 40%
3 Lot 2A - General Building Materials including Timber, Joinery and flooring Materials
  • Value: £40M

Lot2A will cover the supply and distribution of General Building Materials including Timber and Joinery Materials . Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute General Building Materials including Timber and Joinery Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2A General Building Materials including Timber and Joinery Materials. Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2A General Building 40%
4 Lot 2b - Electrical Materials
  • Value: £59M

Lot2B will cover the supply and distribution of Electrical Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Electrical Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2B Electrical Materials. Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2B Electrical 40%
5 Lot2C - Plumbing, Heating and Gas Materials
  • Value: £108M

Lot2C will cover the supply and distribution of Plumbing, Heating and Gas (Domestic and Commercial) Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Plumbing, Heating and Gas (Domestic and Commercial) Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2C Plumbing, Heating and Gas (Domestic and Commercial) Materials . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2C Plumbing , Heating and Gas 40%
6 Lot 2D - Renewable Technologies and Associated Materials
  • Value: £33M

Lot2D will cover the supply and distribution of Renewable Technologies and associated Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Renewable Technologies and Associated Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2D Renewable Technologies and Associated Materials . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2D Renewable Technologies and Materials 40%
7 Lot 2E Kitchen Materials
  • Value: £55M

Lot2E will cover the supply and distribution of Kitchen Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Kitchen Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2E Kitchen Materials . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2E Kitchens 40%
8 Lot 2F Aids and Adaptation Materials
  • Value: £5M

Lot2F will cover the supply and distribution of Aids and Adaptation Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Aids and Adaptation Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2F Aids and Adaptation Materials . Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2F Aids & Adaptation Materials 40%
9 Lot2G - Roofing Materials
  • Value: £6M

Lot2G will cover the supply and distribution of Roofing Materials. Typically, a Member or User will have its own workforce undertaking repairs and maintenance and an external contractor working on refurbishment or development programmes. This Lot is applicable for Suppliers who can supply and distribute Roofing Materials via both delivery and counter service offering or counter collections or delivery service. Up to 8 Suppliers will be appointed to Lot 2G Roofing Materials. Additional information: Organisations who submit a bid for a place on Lot 1 Managed Solution 1a National or 1b Regional Independent Supplier will NOT be permitted to submit a tender for a place on Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials 2A - 2G. The Framework will not restrict Members from awarding a trade specific materials contract to a Supplier via Lot 1 Managed Solution if the Member does not want to award to a supplier under the relevant lot via Lot 2 Trade Specific Materials, the route and choice of Supplier to award to will be dictated by the Members requirements in a mini competition, direct award or pricing exercise via the Framework. The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 2G Roofing Materials 40%
10 Lot 3 Tool and Plant Equipment Hire Tool and Plant Equipment Hire and Purchase
  • Value: £5M

Hire will typically be on a without operator basis and may be on a short or long-term basis to suit Members and Users requirements and the types of equipment includes but is not limited to the below. • Hand Tools • Power Tools • Lifting and Handling Equipment • Roofing Supports, Towers, Podiums and Ladders • Site Setup Equipment • Site Safety Equipment Lot 3 will also permit the purchase of Plant Machinery, Site Equipment, Plant, Tools and associated equipment where a Member has conducted a cost analysis on hire v buy and the analysis shows the Member would be better to outright purchase rather than hire. The above is not an exhaustive description of the types of tool and plant equipment required for hire or purchase via Lot 3 and the Framework will have provision for product lines to be added during the Framework's lifetime should Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be permitted to direct award or run a mini competition using already agreed product lines, with any additional product lines being added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue. Members and Users specific requirements will be agreed with the Supplier under their call off from the framework but are subject to change based need and or the identified levels of usage for an extended period. Additional information: The framework will allow for the provision of additional product lines to be added under any of the listed lots should appointed Suppliers ,Members and Users require additional product lines to be added to the Quarterly Price Files and Suppliers Catalogue during the lifetime of the Framework. Members and Users will be able to use additional product lines within their selection process from the framework.

Award Criteria
Social Value and Sustainability Assessment 15%
Interview and Presentation 45%
Part C - EEM0072 - Pricing Schedule - Lot 3 Tool and Plant Equipment Hire 40%

CPV Codes

  • 44110000 - Construction materials
  • 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items
  • 03419000 - Timber
  • 44111000 - Building materials
  • 31681200 - Electric pumps
  • 31681300 - Electrical circuits
  • 31681400 - Electrical components
  • 31681410 - Electrical materials
  • 44115200 - Plumbing and heating materials
  • 44115210 - Plumbing materials
  • 44115220 - Heating materials
  • 09331100 - Solar collectors for heat production
  • 09331200 - Solar photovoltaic modules
  • 42511110 - Heat pumps
  • 39141200 - Worktops
  • 39141300 - Cabinets
  • 39141400 - Fitted kitchens
  • 33196000 - Medical aids
  • 44112400 - Roof
  • 44112410 - Roof frames
  • 44112420 - Roof supports
  • 44112430 - Roof trusses
  • 44112500 - Roofing materials
  • 31120000 - Generators
  • 42410000 - Lifting and handling equipment
  • 42600000 - Machine tools
  • 43130000 - Drilling equipment
  • 43262000 - Excavating machinery
  • 43300000 - Construction machinery and equipment
  • 44510000 - Tools


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Call Off Agreements to be awarded pursuant to the Framework Agreements to be entered at conclusion of the procurement exercise begun by publication of the Contract Notice may extend for a duration of up to ten years beyond expiry of the four-year term of the Framework Agreement for Lot 1 (1a and 1b) Managed Solution contracts to take account of the contractual and legal sign off, mobilisation period, operative engagement sessions and upfront investment, data, IT integration and testing . The Call Off Agreements to be awarded pursuant to the Framework Agreements to be entered at conclusion of the procurement exercise begun by publication of the Contract Notice may extend for a duration of up to five years beyond expiry of the four-year term of the Framework Agreement for Lot 2 Trade Specific Material Contracts (Lots 2A - 2G) and Lot 3 Tool and Plant Equipment Hire . Please note that the total potential framework value stated within this notice is in relation to the full 4-year framework and takes into consideration the lots structure, length of call off contracts and that the EEM membership and authorised users may grow over the framework lifetime. Where the contract notice states a maximum of suppliers to be appointed to the Framework or lots, EEM reserves the right to appoint less than the numbers stated. … The list of potential framework users below is not exhaustive of all organisations who can utilise EEM services, access will be granted to any publicly funded organisation. Registered Social Landlords in England and Wales, including but not limited to 1. Registered Social Landlords in England and Wales, including but not limited to 2. Local Authorities, including but not limited to England and List of councils in Wales 3. National Health Service (NHS) bodies including NHS Trusts, foundation trusts, Integrated Care Boards or Partnerships, GP federations and other health and social care providers within England and Wales 4. All emergency services including Police Forces, fire and rescue departments and emergency medical services 5. All education establishments including but not limited to, schools maintained by local authorities, academy trusts, colleges, universities and other further education establishments 6. Registered Charities with a relevant link to the core purpose and services provided by EEM 7. All other contracting authorities as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the Procurement Act 2023

