A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 4.5 month
- Value
- £30K-£35K
- Sector
- Published
- 25 Oct 2024
- Delivery
- 12 Nov 2024 to 31 Mar 2025
- Deadline
- 07 Nov 2024 17:00

1 buyer
- Cornwall Council Truro
Scope for Skills Strategy Refresh To ensure we deliver our Good Growth Plan principles, we must review and update our local skills and workforce strategy. The 2021 Local Skills and Labour Market Strategy adopted the following 4 principles which are still relevant: - 1. Inspire - Developing the workforce of tomorrow Our young people have high quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance which informs and inspires them about our unique future opportunities and fosters our spirit of entrepreneurship. 2. Transform - Creating a productive workforce Our learning provision meets the sector specific requirements of employers through a more collaborative and employer-led approach which aligns learning and training with employer demand, providing learners with clear progression pathways to a higher level creative and technical skills. 3. Innovate - Supporting the growth and diversification of the economy Develop the leadership and high-level skills needs to drive growth, innovation and productivity. 4. Thrive - Creating opportunity for all The skills, inclusion and health agendas work together to develop an inclusive 'whole person' approach to skills which enables people to retrain, progress in work or into the labour market. These principles align well with the recently approved Good Growth Plan and it is proposed that the Workforce and Skills Strategy Review should focus on how we strategically align our commissioning and delivery functions to support our economic growth and skills ambitions. The review of the Workforce and Skills Strategy should therefore focus on the following: Lot 1 - Evidence Base 1. Updated labour market assessment to ensure we have a robust and current evidence base for all future investment and programme decisions. Lot 2 - Policy review and Strategy refresh 2. Mapping and gapping of current skills landscape, alongside our current strategic initiatives - both learning provision and employment and skills support. 3. Review of existing and developing national skills policy which include the following announcements to date: - o Autumn Statement on 30 October 2024 o Merge Jobcentre and National Careers Service o Back to Work White Paper - Autumn 2024 & New Deal for Working People. o Creation and launch of Skills England and abolition of Education Skills Funding Agency and IFATE o New Industrial Strategy (currently Green Paper) o New National Labour Market Advisory Board o Move from Apprenticeship Levy to Growth & Skills Levy o New Youth Guarantee 4. Labour market opportunities and challenges for CIoS that particularly (but not solely) reflects upon our distinctive, core and foundational sectors. 5. Stakeholder consultation and employer engagement. 6. Taking the above into account, re-writing a refreshed Strategy to include • an updated action plan and priorities to be taken forward by us and our partners. • clear measures of success and indicators to help evaluate long-term progress.
CPV Codes
- 79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
- CORNWALL001-DN749408-52556008
- CF ad8cd019-d5a6-4ff8-850b-5e2233e10b39