Leaseholder Service Charge Audit

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year
18 Nov 2024
27 Jan 2025 to 27 Jan 2028
05 Jan 2025 00:00



Bradford, Sites Across England

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Anchor Hanover Group
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Anchor will require the following leaseholder service charge audits/services based on:-- Preparing the service charge statement in accordance with Tech 03/11 ResidentialService Charge Accounts published jointly by the professional accountancy bodies with ARMA and RICS;- Anchor will make available all relevant information and documentation in relation towhich your procedures are to be performed including transaction list and trial balance spreadsheet for each home as well as relevant information requested upon sampling;- Maintaining proper accounting records in relation to the premises in respect of which a service charge statement is prepared;- Ensuring your compliance with the requirements of the Landlord and Tenant Acts1985 and 1987;- Safeguarding the assets relevant to the service charge statement and preventingand detecting fraud, error and non-compliance with law or regulations.

Total Quantity or Scope

Ensuring that all arithmetic on the service charge statements is correct. Your procedures will be performed in order to detect any mathematical errors in the calculations made by Anchor. Agreeing all entries on the service charge statements to supporting working papersand income and expenditure data for the service charge period.Agreeing a sample of expenditure declared in the statement of expenditure toinvoices / other supporting documentation and evidence of payment to ensure that:- expenditure is eligible under the Anchor Hanover Group’s agreement with their tenants- expenditure included in the certificate is defrayed in the correct service chargeperiod; and- apportionments included in the certificate for admin costs and overheads are ona basis that is consistent with the Anchor Hanover Group’s internal systemsThe above agreed procedures will be performed having regard to Tech 03/11 ResidentialService Charge Accounts published jointly by the professional accountancy bodies withARMA and RICS.Having performed the agreed procedures, you will report to Anchor in writing on your findings.

Renewal Options

12 Months +12 Months

CPV Codes

  • 79212100 - Financial auditing services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

