Supplementary Repair & Maintenance Services to Vehicles

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
35.5 month
19 Nov 2024
To 05 Dec 2027 (est.)
20 Dec 2024 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
East Renfrewshire Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


East Renfrewshire Council is currently inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for Vehicle Body repairs and also ad-hoc maintenance/repairs and servicing of Council Vehicles. Initial Contract Period is for 36 months with an option to extend for a further 12 months. Initial Annual Contract value is 65,000 GBP and total contract value including extension is 260,000 GBP. This procurement will be conducted via the Public Contracts Scotland - Tender portal (PCS-T). We will apply a one stage Open procedure. Bidders must self-certify their adherence to the conditions of participation via the SPD (Scotland) in PSC-T, and may be required to submit Means of Proof before contract award. Bidders must refer to the specific requirements listed in Section III in this OJEU Contract Notice when completing the SPD in PCS-T. This framework will be split into 3 lots. Lot 1 - Vehicle Body Repairs under 3.5T Lot 2 - Vehicle Body Repairs HGV's Lot 3 - Maintenance & Repairs of Vehicles

Lot Division

1 Vehicle Body Repairs up to 3.5T in gross weight
  • Value: £100K

East Renfrewshire Council is inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for the provision of Vehicle Body Repairs up to 3.5T in gross weight. … Initial Annual Contract value is 25,000 GBP and total contract value including extension is 100,000 GBP. Additional information: Contract award will be offered as a Framework Agreement. There is no guarantee given with regard to the Council’s overall uptake of any resulting Framework. A minimum of 3 contractors to be awarded per Lot. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 8 and 9 of the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.

Award Criteria
1.2 Process for Respraying 20
1.3 Purchasing Process 16
1.4 Warranty Period 12
1.5 Availability 8
1.6 Estimates 6.5
1.7 Electric Vehicles 6.5
1.8 Invoicing Procedure 4.5
1.9 Idenfiying Additional Faults 6.5
1.10 Community Benefits 10
1.11 Fair Work Practices 5
1.12 Sustainability 5
price 60
2 Vehicle Body Repairs over 3.5T (HGV)
  • Value: £76K

East Renfrewshire Council is inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for the provision of Vehicle Body Repairs over 3.5T (HGV). … Initial Annual Contract value is 19,000 GBP and total contract value including extension is 76,000 GBP. Additional information: Contract award will be offered as a Framework Agreement. There is no guarantee given with regard to the Council’s overall uptake of any resulting Framework. A minimum of 3 contractors to be awarded per Lot. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 8 and 9 of the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.

Award Criteria
1.2 Process for Respraying 20
1.3 Purchasing Process 16
1.4 Warranty Period 12
1.5 Availability 8
1.6 Estimates 6.5
1.7 Electric Vehicles 6.5
1.8 Invoicing Procedure 4.5
1.9 Identifying Additional Faults 6.5
1.10 Community Benefits 10
1.11 Fair Work Practices 5
1.12 Sustainability 5
price 60
3 Maintenance/Repairs of Vehicles
  • Value: £84K

East Renfrewshire Council is inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for the provision of Repairs and Maintenance to Vehicles. … Initial Annual Contract value is 21,000 GBP and total contract value including extension is 84,000 GBP. Additional information: Contract award will be offered as a Framework Agreement. There is no guarantee given with regard to the Council’s overall uptake of any resulting Framework. A minimum of 3 contractors to be awarded per Lot. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 8 and 9 of the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.

Award Criteria
1.2 Process for General Vehicle Repairs 20
1.3 Purchasing Process 16
1.4 Warranty Period 12
1.5 Availability 8
1.6 Estimates 6.5
1.7 Electric Vehicles 6.5
1.8 Invoicing Procedure 4.5
1.9 Identifying Additional Faults 6.5
1.10 Community Benefits 10
1.11 Fair Work Practices 5
1.12 Sustainability 5
price 60

Renewal Options

Option to extend for a further 12 months at the discretion of the Council.

CPV Codes

  • 50112110 - Body-repair services for vehicles
  • 50116000 - Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Prompt Payment-The successful tenderer shall, as a condition of being awarded the contract, be required to demonstrate to the council's satisfaction that all funds due to the tenderer's permitted sub-contractors in respect of these services are paid timeously and that as a minimum invoices rendered by subcontractors shall(unless formally disputed by the tenderer)be paid within 30 days of receipt. The successful tenderer shall also impose this condition on its subcontractors in respect of payments due to any sub-sub-contractors, if any. The Council reserves the right to request copies of insurance certificates from bidders at any point during the contract period. Failure to supply the information within timeframe requested may result in your bid being rejected & the Council proceeding with the procurement exercise to the next appropriate bidder. Additional information pertaining to this contract notice is contained within the Tender documents. Applicants must ensure they read in line with this contract notice The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 27720. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Bidders will be required to confirm their compliance with the following in order for their bid to be considered further. Should you advise that you are unwilling to confirm compliance your bid will be removed from this exercise without further consultation. East Renfrewshire Council is committed to maximising community benefits from contracts for works, goods and services in which the Council has an interest. Community benefits should improve the economic, social or environmental wellbeing of the area. Under this contract the successful Contractor will be requested to support East Renfrewshire Council’s economic, environmental and social regeneration objectives to achieve benefits for our identified beneficiary hierarchy. Tier 1. Targeted recruitment and training for priority employability groups. Tier 2. Work experience placements for the same target groups. Tier 3. Curriculum support for schools and those on employability pathways. Tier 4. Community Enhancement for community groups and projects. Tier 5. Small and Medium Enterprises and Social Enterprise Organisations supply chain support. Community Benefits will apply where bidders have been received over the year a total value of work exceeding 50,000 GBP. At the end of each financial year a review of the level of work commissioned will be conducted to determine number of community benefits points that will apply. The supplier will be contacted to agree the community benefit outcomes and delivery method. At this point tenderers are to confirm that they agree to the delivery of community benefit outcomes and provide the contact details of the individual who will be responsible for the delivery of any agreed outcomes. Bidders should be aware that failure to agree outcomes and delivery method may impact on the work commissioned through the framework for the following years. (SC Ref:783155)

