Roof replacement & first floor demolition

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
3 month
02 Dec 2024
02 Jun 2025 to 31 Aug 2025
12 Feb 2025 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
West Parley Parish Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


West Parley Parish Council is seeking fixed price tenders for the alterations and construction of a replacement roof, including rooflights, on the building named West Parley Community Hub, to include demolition of the first floor. The repaired building will provide a much needed community space with a number of rooms for use by the Parish Council; affiliated sports sections; charity pre-school; along with other community users.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Award Scoring Criteria Tender Scoring WPCH 25.pdf Planning Statement 1703 - Planning Statement - West Parley Community Hub (06Nov2023).pdf Planning Decision 240208 - Decision Notice_PFUL202306521.pdf Draft Planning Application 12582665_DRAFT PLANNING APPLICATION (1703).pdf Existing Floor Plans PL-1703-100 -EXISTING COMMUNITY HUB FLOOR PLANS.pdf Existing Elevation plans PL-1703-101 -EXISTING COMMUNITY HUB ELEVATIONS.pdf Proposed Floor Plans PL-1703-102 -PROPOSED COMMUNITY HUB FLOOR PLANS.pdf Proposed Elevation plans PL-1703-103 -PROPOSED COMMUNITY HUB ELEVATIONS.pdf Location plan S-1703-01 - LOCATION PLAN (A3).pdf Block Plan S-1703-02 - BLOCK PLAN (1-500 A1).pdf Site Plan S-1703-03 -SITE PLAN (1-500 A1).pdf Consignment 1/2 Asbestos consignment - 275 Christchurch Road West Parley (004).pdf Consignment 2/2 Asbestos consignment 1 275 Christchurch Road West Parley_ (004).pdf Absestos Report Asbestos report 2 - AS9823-1 - West Parley Sports Social Club 275 Christchurch Road West Parley Ferndown BH22 8SQ (Updated Report).pdf Flat Roof Spec Bauder Flat Roof Spec for West Parley - 240327.pdf PVC Membrane Bauder Single Ply PVC Membrane - Thermofol BBA Cerificate - June 2019.pdf Structural Engineer Drawings 1/2 240704 - BEW ENGINEERS DRAWING - Parley Sports Club - 2024.159-01.pdf Structural Engineer Drawings 2/2 240704 - BEW ENGINEERS DRAWING - Parley Sports Club - 2024.159-02.pdf Structural Engineer Calculations 240704 - BEW STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - Parley Community Hub - 2024.159.pdf Fire Risk Assessment Fire Risk Assessment West Parley Community Hub - Pre-School Aug 23.pdf Ecology Survey BH22 8SQ. West Parley Community Hub. 275 Christchurch Rd. West Parley. BC. 16.10.2023.pdf Ecology Appraisal BH22 8SQ. West Parley Community Hub. 275 Christchurch Rd. West Parley. PRA. 16.10.2023 (V3).pdf Specification of Works 1703 - SPASE SPECIFICATION OF WORKS + FORM OF TENDER (V3 - 31 Oct 2024).pdf Building Regs Notice 1703 - West Parley - BRegs Access Statement 16.08.2024.pdf SPASE Risk Assessment 240607 - 1703 - SPASE Designers Risk Assessment.pdf Location Plan S-1703-01 C - LOCATION PLAN (A3).pdf Block Plan S-1703-02 B - BLOCK PLAN (A1).pdf Slide Safe leaflet SlideSafe_Leaflet_v1.pdf Existing Site Plan WD-1703-100 C - EXISTING SITE PLAN (1-125).pdf Proposed Site Plan WD-1703-101 B - PROPOSED SITE PLAN (1-125).pdf Existing Floor Plans WD-1703-200 A - EXISTING FLOOR PLANS (1-100).pdf Existing Elevations WD-1703-201 A - EXISTING ELEVATIONS (1-100).pdf Proposed GF Floor Plans WD-1703-202 B - PROPOSED GF PLAN (1-50).pdf Proposed Ceiling plan WD-1703-203 B - PROPOSED CEILING PLAN (1-50).pdf Proposed Roof Plan WD-1703-204 B - PROPOSED ROOF PLAN (1-50).pdf Proposed Elevations 1/2 WD-1703-205 B - PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 1 (1-50).pdf Proposed Elevations 2/2 WD-1703-206 B - PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 2 (1-50).pdf Proposed Section A WD-1703-207 B - PROPOSED SECTION A-A (1-50).pdf Proposed Section B WD-1703-208 B - PROPOSED SECTION B-B (1-50).pdf Designers Hazzard Assessment WD-1703-210 B - DESIGNERS HAZARD ASSESSMENT.pdf Asbestos Completion Certificate Asbestos Job Completion 275 Christchurch Road - Asbestos Removal Job Completion Form.pdf

