Adult ADHD Accreditation Framework

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
06 Dec 2024
not specified



East Anglia: Norfolk and Waveney and Cambridge and Peterborough

Geochart for 2 buyers and 4 suppliers
NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board
Centre for Adhd Research & Excellence
Skylight Psychiatry
Holistic Adhd Solutions
Owl Centre
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board and NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board were looking for qualified and experienced providers for the provision of delivering an adult (18+) only ADHD assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and review services across Norfolk, Waveney, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The Accreditation Process (AP) is to identify providers who can meet the requirements and deliver the key aims of the service which are that Service Users can choose a provider that most suits their individual needs, to ensure the demands of the population are met, that a safe and effective service is delivered without adversely impacting the ability to deliver local comprehensive services and is described in detail in the Service Specifications. The contract is for a period of 4 years with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 years. The Contracting Authority used an eTendering system for this exercise.following link: Contract ref C282263

Total Quantity or Scope

The aim of this service is to provide an adult (18+) only ADHD assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and review services across Norfolk, Waveney, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.The ICBs both have Adult ADHD Assessment and Treatment offer through local Mental Health Trusts. These are successful small teams. However, with the advent of COVID-19, partnered with an exponential increase in referrals both ICBs need to commission additional services under a Framework to assist with the current wait list and to offer patient choice in line with national guidance / policy. The accreditation framework is anticipated to be for a period of 4 years with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 years however, providers will be reviewed on a regular basis to determine they are still meeting the criteria as set out in the bidding process. Alongside this, further work is happening to look at how we can re-design the service to meet increased demands. This includes a redesign of the ADHD pathway in both systems. Providers delivering to both ICBs can therefore expect changes during the life of the contract in the local treatment and intervention offers and referral, triage, and screening arrangements that they need to adapt and respond to.There are no finances attached to this Framework as providers will invoice the ICB(s) under the current Right to Choose process – this will be detailed for those providers that join the Framework. This service is based on Tariff paid on activity undertaken. Assessment on-line £750.Assessment in person £850.Titration £400.Annual review £200.The service aims to support achieve the following: the ambition is to improve choice for patients seeking access to ADHD assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and review services.To reduce the current wait times of the locally commissioned ADHD assessments in NWICB and CPIB areas.That all cases assessed under the Framework, that require medication, are successfully titrated.That where shared care is accepted patients are returned to Primary care under the shared care protocol and primary care escalations are responded to promptly. In the event of shared care not being an option, the provider would need to undertake prescribing / monitoring and annual reviews.That ongoing treatment and annual reviews are managed for those not under shard care.To provide staff that are suitably trained and have appropriate expertise working in the field of ADHD. Additional information: This service is based on Tariff paid on activity undertaken. Assessment on-line £750.Assessment in person £850.Titration £400.Annual review £200.

Award Detail

1 Centre for Adhd Research & Excellence (Leicester)
  • Reference: 039342-2024-1
  • Value: £1
2 Skylight Psychiatry (Basingstoke)
  • Reference: 039342-2024-2
  • Value: £1
3 Holistic Adhd Solutions (Barnsley)
  • Reference: 039342-2024-3
  • Value: £1
4 Owl Centre (Pembrokeshire)
  • Reference: 039342-2024-4
  • Value: £1

Renewal Options

This is a 4 year contract with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 years

Award Criteria

price _

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Options are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

