Water Desalination Plants (Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain) AND Desalination Expertise and Consultancy

A Utilities Periodic Indicative Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Works)
not specified
13 Dec 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Anglian Water Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Anglian Water are looking to develop up to three Desalination Plants in our region. We are currently planning on running two tenders for this requirement. One tender for two technical partners to assist with the development and design of two Desalination Plants (Bacton & Mablethorpe) and another tender for a Competitively Appointed Provider (CAP) to deliver the Bacton project. Anglian Water are looking to test the market interest for the development, design, build, financing, operation and maintenance of the projects. The expected date for the CAP tender launch is circa late 2027/early 2028 and we want to appoint Desalination Technical Providers in 2025. The CAP date is currently contingent upon: - the procurement strategy selected following the market engagement - the required in-service date for the project which will be confirmed by early to mid 2027 The CAP will be procured using Ofwat's Direct Procurement for Customers (DPC) approach.

Lot Division

1 Desalination Technical Provider Bacton

Anglian Water is planning to deliver a Desalination Plant in Norfolk (Bacton) to provide long-term water supply resilience to the region. This will be a tender for the development and design desalination technical provider.

2 Desalination Technical Provider Mablethorpe

Anglian Water is planning to deliver a Desalination Plant in Lincolnshire (Mablethorpe) to provide long-term water supply resilience to the region. This will be a tender for the development and design desalination technical provider.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


Other Information

Please see the 'Market Engagement Information Pack' for further detail and clarification. A declaration of interest and more information on these two projects can be provided to PIN respondents by emailing AWDesal@anglianwater.co.uk Please note, this PIN is in relation to both tenders. The details on the tender LOTS given are for the Desalination Technical Partner, however, we are also looking to engage in respect of the wider procurement strategy including for the DPC for the CAP. This notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting pre-market engagement to gauge capability and interest in the market to assist in our decision making for both requirements. This is not a call for competition. Parties will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to this request and a response to this PIN does not guarantee any invitation to participate in this event or any future procurement. The publication of this PIN by Anglian Water Services Ltd is a voluntary publication and does not represent an acknowledgement regarding the applicability of procurement or other rules governing the potential future process, nor a commitment by Anglian Water to initiate, run or complete a full procurement competition in relation to the contract as described. Anglian Water reserves the right not to run any competition for the services. If you have experience in either the financing of construction schemes for DPC, PFI or PPP projects and/or experience of construction of water treatment works in accordance with the UK water industry standards then we would like to hear from you. Please click on the link in this PIN to access the supplementary information which also includes a link to the questionnaire in order to respond to this PIN. Following the receipt of responses to the online questionnaire, at our discretion we may invite respondents to a further circa 60-minute bilateral discussion via Teams to further explore the responses given and obtain additional insights from the market. We would welcome responses as soon as possible as we intend to start meeting with respondents in the new year. The PIN itself will remain open until 24th January 2025. Please also feel free to register your interest to the below email with the following information ; AWDesal@anglianwater.co.uk - Company name - Contact details, including location telephone and e-mail address - Main point of contact and the position you hold in the company - Primary business of company

