Ophthalmology- Eye Casualty Service

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
17 Dec 2024
not specified



Frimley ICB

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
NHS Frimley Icb
Evolutio Care Innovations
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


NHS Frimley ICB ("the Commissioner") sought to commission provision to provide an Ophthalmology- Eye Casualty Service The integrated model of service between the provider and the Eye Casualty Unit has been designed to optimise an efficient and effective patient journey and to ensure that only patients who would benefit from a higher level of expertise are retained within Eye Casualty. Patients who could be managed by a suitable trained optician with prescribing qualifications by a primary care provider are redirected to the co-located Primary Eye Care Clinic for assessment/treatment. It will also provide contingency capacity for Eye Casualty review patients. The provider delivers specialist eye care for patients needing urgent attention, who are deemed, at triage, to be suitable to be seen by a primary care provider and be based within the King Edward VII Hospital. Through better integration of services and timeliness of treatment, the integrated eye casualty service aims to reduce the need for emergency-based intervention and provide better care and services to patients. Frimley ICB has followed PSR Direct Award C for the contract to which this notice relates.

Total Quantity or Scope

Ophthalmology- Evolutio Eye Casualty. The integrated model of service between the provider and the Eye Casualty Unit has been designed to optimise an efficient and effective patient journey and to ensure that only patients who would benefit from a higher level of expertise are retained within Eye Casualty. Patients who could be managed by a suitable trained optician with prescribing qualifications by a primary care provider are redirected to the co-located Primary Eye Care Clinic for assessment/treatment. It will also provide contingency capacity for Eye Casualty review patients. The provider delivers specialist eye care for patients needing urgent attention, who are deemed, at triage, to be suitable to be seen by a primary care provider and be based within the King Edward VII Hospital. Through better integration of services and timeliness of treatment, the integrated eye casualty service aims to reduce the need for emergency-based intervention and provide better care and services to patients. … The Commissioner is directly awarding a contract to the existing provider Evolutio Care Innovations Limited under PSR Direct Award C in accordance with the criteria outlined in Regulation (9) of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The total expected value of the contract for the initial one-year contract term is £182,832. The optional one-year extension expected value of the contract is £182,832. Therefore, the full expected lifetime contract value (one year + optional one year extension) is £365,664. For the avoidance of doubt, this contract is paid on a cost per case basis and therefore the values indicated are the expected values only. The one-year contract period will commence on the 3 January 2025. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.

Award Detail

1 Evolutio Care Innovations (Reading)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £365,664

Award Criteria

The existing provider is satisfying the original contract and will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard 80.0
PRICE 20.0

CPV Codes

  • 85121281 - Ophthalmologist services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Evidence that Evolutio Care Innovations Limited have satisfied the existing contract to a sufficient standard according to the detail outlined in the contract: they provided all of the required documentation, information and policies for the existing contract. They have followed the contractual service specification, not deviated from Frimley ICB Safeguarding requirements, charged the correct local prices as per the contract, issued invoices correctly in accordance with the Frimley ICB process, complied with Quality reporting requirements, and followed Schedule 6A reporting requirements. They have complied with/not fallen foul of the applicable NHS Standard Contract (Shorter Form) Service Conditions, including Service Conditions in relation to the following: service standards, co-operation, information requirements, safeguarding, payment terms and quality requirements. They have also complied with/not fallen foul of the applicable shorter Form General Conditions, including those relating to liability & indemnity, assignment & sub-contracting, and Information Governance. The new contracting arrangements are based on a rollover of the previous contracting arrangements/schedules which the provider has already satisfied/complied with to a high standard, and so the provider will highly be likely to be able to satisfy the new contract to a sufficient standard. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by midnight 02 January 2025. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR. The Commissioner made the decision of directly awarding the incumbent provider Evolutio Care Innovations Limited in accordance with the following five criteria outlined in Regulation (9) of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. • Quality and innovation • Value • Integration, collaboration, and service sustainability • Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating choice • Social value It has been advised that Evolutio Care Innovations Limited has the evidenced ability to deliver the activity required to meet service requirements within the required region. A direct award to Evolutio Care Innovations Limited under PSR Direct Award C would be appropriate following the Commissioner's evaluation of this provider against the statutory requirements of PSR Direct Award C, and the Commissioner's conclusion that all requirements and criteria have been satisfied. No declared conflicts or potential conflicts of interest were identified during the decision-making process. Representations should be sent to scwcsu.cbprocurement@nhs.net.

