Tier 3 Weight Management Service - West Essex 2025-26

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
23 Dec 2024
not specified



West Essex

Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


The objectives of the commissioned service is to deliver a Tier 3 Weight Management Serivce to enable and support patients to safely lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long-term and Reduce the requirement for tertiary care services, including bariatric surgery by deferring or avoiding the need for bariatric surgery. A multi-disciplinary team support patients through this 12 month programme. Tier 3 Weight Management services provide the link between Tier 1 and 2 population wide services and lifestyle interventions and Tier 4 Specialist Bariatric Surgical Services.Increased weight and obesity presents a major challenge to the current and future health of the local population. Higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from a range of conditions including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and several cancers.

Total Quantity or Scope

Tier 3 weight management services provide the link between Tier 1 and 2 population wide services and lifestyle interventions and Tier 4 Specialist Bariatric Surgical Services. Increased weight and obesity presents a major challenge to the current and future health of the local population. … The objectives of the commissioned service is to enable and support patients to safely lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long-term and Reduce the requirement for tertiary care services, including bariatric surgery by deferring or avoiding the need for bariatric surgery. A multi-disciplinary team support patients through this 12 month programme offering nutrition, diet, lifestyle and psychology support and advise through the delivery of face-to-face, non-face-to-face and group counselling sessions. The current provider is satisfying the existing contract, delivering a good service, meeting all KPIs, with no quality concerns and good outcomes and has very good feedback from patients. They are likely to satisfy the new contract, and the proposed contracting arrangements are not changing from the existing contract and we are intending to award a contract to the existing provider following direct award process C.The intended dates the services are to be provided will be from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026.Initial Contract award 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2025 total value £811,950Additional contract award 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026 total value £175,487Total lifetime value £987,437

Award Detail

1 Morelife (Leeds)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £175,487
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

The existing provider is satisfying the original contract and will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard 100.0

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by 7th January 2025. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.Written representations should be sent to hweicbhv.procurementteam@nhs.netThe business case including the recommendation to award the contract under the Provider Selection Regime Process C was approved at the HWE ICB Financial Scrutiny Panel on the 17/10/2024.The options paper for this service was presented at the following panels and committees:• ICB Commissioning and Contracting Panel – 26/09/2024• HWE ICB Financial Scrutiny Panel - 17/10/2024There were no conflicts or potential conflicts declared. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by 7th January 2025. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.Written representations should be sent to hweicbhv.procurementteam@nhs.netThe business case including the recommendation to award the contract under the Provider Selection Regime Process C was approved at the HWE ICB Financial Scrutiny Panel on the 17/10/2024.The options paper for this service was presented at the following panels and committees:• ICB Commissioning and Contracting Panel – 26/09/2024• HWE ICB Financial Scrutiny Panel - 17/10/2024There were no conflicts or potential conflicts declared.

