Homes England - Haul Road and Enabling Works, including power supply and foul sewer at Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract (Works)
1 year
06 Jan 2025
24 Feb 2025 to 27 Feb 2026
15 Jan 2025 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Homes England the Name Adopted by the Homes & Communities Agency
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Homes England requires a contractor to construct a haul road and undertake enabling works including power supply and gravity foul sewer at Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) in Norfolk (hereafter referred to as the "enabling works contractor"). The Attleborough SUE site has outline planning permission for 4,000 homes. These enabling works will be the first works at the Attleborough SUE development, and are required before the first homes can be connected to the foul sewer network. The works proposed to be included in this contract are summarised below: 1. Providing a 2.5km long haul road (including 700 metre long-term maintenance track and associated surface water drainage including swale, pipework and basin). Also needs to incorporate: 1.1. Trial hole investigation to locate existing Anglian Water rising main - requiring vacuum excavation and hand-digging, and the isolation of the main and tankering away of foul flows from the main and wet well to the waste water treatment works 1.2. Rental of temporary bridge over gas main 2. Providing power (80mVA) for a future Terminal Pumping Station (TPS) (to be constructed under a separate contract by Anglian Water) 3. Installing a S104 foul sewer to be adopted by Anglian Water (c. 130 metres long plus potential to extend) 4. [Potential works: Demolition of disused Sewage Treatment Works] NOTE: An early engagement exercise for these works was previously undertaken in January 2024, however, there have been delays due to additional site investigation, planning and detailed design work needed. The main elements of work are unchanged, however, Points 1.1 and 1.2 above are works not specified in the previous early engagement questionnaire, therefore we have published this additional engagement notice.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Further information can be accessed via Home England's e-Tendering system Those wishing to download and return a questionnaire should submit their response through our e-Tendering system. Deadline for responses is 12 noon on 15 January 2025. 1) This notice is not a call for competition and is not published to reduce time limits for the receipt of tenders 2) Homes England reserves the right not to commence any procurement or award any contract in respect of this notice 3) The information contained in this notice may be subject to change due to the impact of governance, assurance and regulatory changes. Insofar as permitted by law, Homes England shall not be liable for any losses incurred by any party as a result of reliance on the information contained/linked herein 4) Homes England reserve the right to include this requirement within alternative procurements 5) Failure to this notice shall not prevent an organisation from participating in a formal call for competition 6) Further information can be accessed via Home England's e-Tendering system using the link within this notice. Those wishing to download and return a questionnaire should submit their response through our e-Tendering system. Deadline for responses is 12 noon 15 January 2025 Direct link to ProContract

