FDIS - Arbroath External Refurbishments to 20 properties - FY2025/26 - Amey North Region - Scotland

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1 month
10 Jan 2025
01 Apr 2025 to 09 May 2025
24 Jan 2025 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Amey Defence Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Arbroath Ext Refurbs to 20 properties - North Region - Scotland Brief Scope of Works • New replacement roof coverings including ARC eaves insulation • Loft Insulation • Finlock gutter partial removal plus associated lintel insertion • Soffits/fascias and RWG replacement. • Chimney demolition • Itemised new external doors & windows • Itemised replacement outhouse/garage personnel/store doors & windows • Replace all cast iron SVP and wastepipes • External render decoration • Minor electrical works • Dedicated On Site Liaison Officer Amey have been tasked by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation through the Future Defence Infrastructure Service to deliver the Regional Accommodation Maintenance Service for the Central and North Regions. For Amey to accept any Expression of Interest it is ESSENTIAL that any subcontractor is: • willing to act as Main Contractor (essential requirement); • a member of Constructionline at GOLD LEVEL 3; • capable of working to MOD SFG20 (Pre-Planned Maintenance works only); • capable of working in a Building Information Management (BIM) Level 2 environment (where applicable); • compliant with DefStan 05-138 (required if you are likely to handle MoD Identifiable Information on your IT system); • willing to work with Amey to deliver Social Value to our Client. DESIRABLE attributes of our Supply Chain: • have a Corporate Social Responsibility policy; • have a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan If successful the subcontractor will need to pass a pre-qualification questionnaire, sign up to Amey Terms and Conditions, and meet the MoD Security Requirements.

CPV Codes

  • 45262690 - Refurbishment of run-down buildings


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

This advert is for Expressions of Interest (BY EMAIL ONLY) - from the responses and our existing subcontractor data base we shall compile the tender list. Tender packs will follow separately via our e-tender portal (Curtis Fitch). Note 1: The bidder must quote for all aspects of the Works. Note 2: Future works of a similar nature may be negotiated based upon submitted rates. Note 3: To comply with The Public Contract Regulations 2015 or Procurement Act 2023, those making an Expression of Interest may be required to sign-up to our 'Sub-contract Agreement' where 'Mini Competitions' or 'Call Offs' may be used to tender works/services. Note 4: For complex projects such as External Wall Insulation installation, Structural works etc. it is a requirement that the bidder must carry Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of not less than £1,000,000. This opportunity is also advertised on Constructionline.

