Lab Equipment (General)

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Goods)
35.5 month
11 Feb 2025
To 03 Mar 2028 (est.)
19 Mar 2025 13:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
London Universities Purchasing Consortium
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


LUPC is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement for the supply of general laboratory equipment. The requirement is covered through 9 lots of specific equipment types, and an additional One Stop Shop lot, for the provision of at least 5 lots together. To be eligible for the One Stop Shop lot, bidders must be able to provide lots 2, 7 and any three other lots.

Lot Division

1 Centrifuges

Lot 1, Centrifuges includes: Evaporator, Centrifugal evaporator, microcentrifuge refrigerated, microcentrifuge non refrigerated, low speed refrigerated, low speed non – refrigerated, medium speed refrigerated, medium speed non- refrigerated, high speed non-refrigerated, high speed Refrigerated, Analytica ultra non – refrigerated.

2 Environmental Control

Lot 2, Environmental Control: Circulators (cooled), Circulators (heated), Dry Block Heaters, Drying Cabinet, Freeze Dryer, Furnaces, Heating Mantles, Hotplates, Hybridisation Ovens, Incubator, Incubator Shaking, sub-ambient Incubator Shaking, above ambient, Incubator Standard, Incubator Sub-Ambient, Laboratory Ovens, Laboratory Ovens (Vacuum), Plasma Thawer, Shakers (benchtop), Water Baths.

3 Safety

Lot 3, Safety: Small Autoclaves - Bench Top, Floor-Standing Autoclave - Front Loader, Floor-Standing Autoclave - Top Loader, Glass washing, Fume Cupboard (non - ducted), Fume Cupboard (ducted), Safety Cabinet Class 1, Safety Cabinet Class 2, Safety Cabinet Class 3, Laminar Flow Cabinets.

4 Measurement

Lot 4, Measurement: Laboratory Balances, Chart Recorders, Chloride Meters, Colony Counters, Colorimeters, Conductivity Meters, Dissolved Oxygen Meters, Flame Photometers, Fluorimeters, Melting Point Apparatus,pH Meters, Spectrophotometer (UV & Vis), Thermo hygrometers, Viscometer, Combustion Elemental Analyser, Nitric Oxide Analyser, Micro Gas Analysers, Total Organic Halides (TOX)/ Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOX), Mercury Analysers, Analyser Alkalinity System, Potentiometric Titration, Coulometric and Volumetric Titrator Karl Fischer.

5 Environmental Storage - Fridges and Freezers

Lot 5, Environmental Storage Fridge and Freezers: Environmental monitoring systems, Laboratory Refrigerator +4oC, Freezers -20oC: upright, Freezers -20oC: chest, Freezers -35oC upright, Freezers -35oC upright chest, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -80oc upright, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -80oc chest, Rapid Plasma Freezers, Laboratory Refrigerator +4oC low energy, Freezers -20oC: low energy upright, Freezers -20oC: low energy chest, Freezers -35oC low energy upright, Freezers -35oC low energy chest, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -80oc low energy upright, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -80oc low energy chest.

6 Environmental Storage - Other Equipment

Lot 6, Environmental Storage Other: Cryogenic Conservation Vessels, Cryostats, Ice Maker, Liquid Nitrogen Dewars, Cryostorage Freezer System-150°c, chest.

7 General Equipment - Miscellaneous

Lot 7, General (Miscellaneous): Heat Sealers, Inverted Microscopes, Laboratory Benches & Chairs, Mixers (vortex), Pulveriser, Pumps, peristaltic, Pumps, vacuum, Rotary Evaporators, Sonicator, Standard Microscopes, Stereo Microscopes, Stirrers, O2 gas monitor portable, O2 gas monitor wall mounted, O2 gas monitor clip, CO2 gas monitor portable, CO2 gas monitor wall mounted, CO2 gas monitor clip.

8 Water Purification Systems

Lot 8, Water Purification Equipment for Laboratories: Type 1 (for ISO Grade 1 water), Type 2 (for ISO Grade 2 water) and Type 3 1 (for ISO Grade 3 water) water purification systems.

9 Liquid Handling Robotics and Laboratory Automation Systems

Lot 9: Liquid Handling Robotics and Laboratory Automation Systems: Liquid Handling Robotics, Laboratory Automation Systems.

10 One Stop Shop lot

Lot 10, 0ne Stop Shop. To select suppliers who can supply a single source for all equipment (and CPV codes) defined in lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, above. In order to be eligible to bid for this lot, bidders whill have to provide lots 2, 7 and at least three other lots

CPV Codes

  • 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
  • 42931000 - Centrifuges
  • 50433000 - Calibration services
  • 51430000 - Installation services of laboratory equipment
  • 33152000 - Incubators
  • 39711362 - Microwave ovens
  • 39711430 - Hotplates
  • 42300000 - Industrial or laboratory furnaces, incinerators and ovens
  • 42943000 - Thermostatic baths and accessories
  • 38436000 - Shakers and accessories
  • 39141500 - Fume cupboards
  • 33191110 - Autoclaves
  • 33100000 - Medical equipments
  • 51400000 - Installation services of medical and surgical equipment
  • 38300000 - Measuring instruments
  • 38500000 - Checking and testing apparatus
  • 38900000 - Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
  • 39711000 - Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs
  • 39711110 - Refrigerator-freezers
  • 39711120 - Freezers
  • 90711500 - Environmental monitoring other than for construction
  • 33165000 - Cryosurgical and cryotherapy devices
  • 38510000 - Microscopes
  • 38430000 - Detection and analysis apparatus
  • 38420000 - Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases
  • 42912330 - Water-purifying apparatus
  • 42997300 - Industrial robots


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

