PAN3062 - Park and Ride Operational Contract

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
18 Mar 2025
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Leicester City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Leicester City Council working with Leicestershire County Council invites Tenders for the provision of the operation of the Leicester Park and Ride Services for the following three sites: • Meynell’s Gorse Park and Ride • Enderby Park and Ride • Birstall Park and Ride The Services will operate on Mondays to Saturdays throughout the year from 7am to 7pm, except on Bank Holidays, excluding Good Friday. Tenderers should note that the operation and management of the park and ride sites including the car park is not included within this Contract opportunity.

Lot Division

1 All three services operating on a Minimum cost model

A minimum cost basis, where the price you submit is based on the cost of operating the Contract. This shall include all farebox revenue and concessionary travel reimbursement will accrue to Leicester City Council (the Authority) and should be deducted from each invoice for the relevant period. If a minimum cost model was to be implemented this would ensure that the Authority takes the full revenue risk and would pay the Supplier for the running the Service. All Suppliers must ensure that they submit a bid for Lot 1 to be compliant.

2 All three services operating on a Minimum subsidy model

A minimum subsidy price is where the price you submit is based on the cost of operating the Contract, minus any farebox revenue (including on and off bus sales) and concessionary travel reimbursement (based on the equivalent adult single fare), which is retained by the Supplier. With a minimum subsidy model the Supplier takes the revenue risk and retains the revenue with no additional sums payable by the Authority. It is at the discretion of Suppliers if they wish to submit a bid for Lot 2 for a minimum subsidy model.

Award Detail

1 Roberts Coaches (Leicester)
  • Reference: 009911-2025-pan3062 - park and ride operational contract-1
  • Value: £1,972,000

Renewal Options

The Initial Term will be 3 years 6 months. The option to extend the contract will be 4 years and 6 months. Taking it to a total term of 8 years. Tenderers to note, the initial Contract term will need to coincide with the agreed registration dates under the Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council Enhanced Partnership Schemes.

Award Criteria

Quality 60%
price 40%

CPV Codes

  • 60112000 - Public road transport services
  • 34121100 - Public-service buses


  • Options are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** As per the tender documentation only one Lot was to be chosen to go forward with award subject to the mechanism described within the ITT documentation. Lot 2 based upon all three services operating on a Minimum subsidy model was deemed most economically advantageous tender.

