Strategic License Subscriptions and Advisory Services

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
21 month
24 Mar 2025
01 Jul 2025 to 31 Mar 2027
18 Apr 2025 09:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
HM Revenue & Customs
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


To guarantee the efficient utilisation of technology, transform our digital and customer services, and fulfil public service commitments, His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requires research subscription services. This service will assist in setting strategies, managing projects, deploying new technologies, and ensuring regulatory compliance, amongst other things. Additionally, an on-demand ad-hoc advisory service is necessary to translate industry-leading insights into actionable plans, across different business areas and topics.

Lot Division

1 CDIO (Chief Digital and Information Officer)
  • Duration: 1.5 year
  • Value: £2M

To guarantee the efficient utilisation of technology, transform our digital and customer services, and fulfil public service commitments, HMRC requires research subscription services. This service will assist in setting strategies, managing projects, deploying new technologies, and ensuring regulatory compliance, amongst other things. Additionally, an on-demand ad-hoc advisory service is necessary to translate industry-leading insights into actional plans, across different Business Areas and topics. The research service for CDIO should cover the following aspects: General requirements • Access to a research library providing independent, objective and expert re-search reports, tools, case studies to support HMRC achieving its objectives. • Access to relevant research including but not limited to, IT implementation, design, architecture, engineering, support management, AI data and reference architectures. • The research library must include as a minimum, available sessions within the overall categories of Digital Business Transformation/Strategy, Building Strong Teams and Generating Innovation/Value. • It is expected that the research material is regularly refreshed to support fast-moving areas such as AI or data. • Access to strategic business content for technology leaders, supporting them to become better business partners and enterprise leaders • Access to people who have done 'what we are doing' before in different con-texts and can advise on pitfalls/best practice when evaluating different approaches, methods, technologies or strategies. • Independent view of the market both from a technical perspective (what technologies are being used for what) and a business perspective (what approaches are working). • Reviews of papers from an independent but expert point of view, for accuracy and messaging. • Leadership content that is targeted at senior leaders to help transform HMRC. • Support software development lifecycles, insights and best practices for source control, branching, merging, and software development lifecycles. • Events/conferences access to ensure HMRC are aware of the evolving technologies and evolving IT challenges. • Networking opportunities and introduction to peer organisations and people to dive deeper into relevant experiences. • Access to peers across the domain to showcase HMRC to attract technology talent. Ad-hoc advisory services • Ad-hoc advisory service to help develop documentation supporting strategic tasks and key deliverables, relating to business change or transformation. Examples include strategy development, financial planning, roadmap development, e.g., transformation, AI etc., as well as specialist technology areas. Licences / subscriptions required: • 40 subscriptions to access research libraries, research and tools based on industry best practice, access to analyst briefings, and networking opportunities. • 8 subscriptions to access research libraries, research and tools based on industry best practice, access to analysts, alignment to subject matter experts.  Peer-connect and facilitated networking. • 2 subscriptions providing a guided service to access research libraries, re-search and tools based on industry best practice, access to analysts, alignment to subject matter experts. Dedicated executive support with specific domain knowledge.  Peer-connect and facilitated networking. • 1 subscription providing a guided service to access research libraries, re-search and tools based on industry best practice, access to analysts, alignment to subject matter experts. Dedicated executive support with specific domain knowledge.  Peer-connect and facilitated networking. Customised engagement at CIO level. • 1 subscription to provide expert advice for Software Engineers.

2 CSG (Customer Services Group) and ETG (Enterprise Transformation Group)
  • Duration: 21 month
  • Value: £740K

CSG and ETG requires access to world class research and business insights on a range of matters related to optimising our Customer Service provision. The Directors of CSG and ETG are looking for a range of support services which includes but not limited to: • Strategy overall/strategic roadmaps • Multichannel strategy/Shift to digital • Customer centric ways of working overall • Architecture • Service capabilities • End-to-end digital services and digital service/product management • End-to-end customer journey management • Customer experience overall • Innovation and AI • End-to-end means someone getting a letter or being on Google all the way through to compliance and solicitors • Metrix and balanced scorecards • Multichannel analytics • Next best action and engagement strategies including air traffic control, nudges, prompts • Change delivery models • Portfolio management • Customer service operating models in context of customer service and the full organisation, e.g. digital service target operating model • Organisation design • People capability and skills/adopting digital skills and ways of learning • Performance measurement and best practice • Expert business guidance on tax experts • Business delivery and customer service delivery guidance. In summary, we are seeking an offer that joins up service and modern IT i.e. end-to-end product management and delivery of digital channel and app, that enables understanding of marketing propositions and how to put together a service proposition. Licences / subscriptions required: • 5 subscriptions to access research libraires, research and tools based on industry best practice, access to analysts, alignment to subject matter experts.  Peer-connect and facilitated networking. • 4 subscriptions providing a guided service to access research libraries, re-search and tools based on industry best practice, access to analysts, alignment to subject matter experts. Dedicated executive support with specific domain knowledge.  Peer-connect and facilitated networking.

3 Internal Audit
  • Duration: 21 month
  • Value: £105K

To support the IA unit's delivery of our 2025-28 internal audit strategy, alongside supporting our business-as-usual audit work, we require research subscription and advisory services. The service will provide access to subject matter experts to support the senior leadership team in setting and driving forward our strategy, as well as the provision of a wide range of research materials and audit toolkits to assist our team in delivering our audit plans. Insights and Expert Advice (strategic) - access to: • Expert support, guidance, and advice for the Chief Audit Executive to support strategy development, decision making and planning. • IA function benchmarking and other assessment tools (e.g. skills and capabilities) and guides to measure / compare performance. • Research and reports on, but not limited to audit strategy development, emerging global and sector risks, emerging trends / innovation in the IA profession, and broader strategic audit leadership support • Webinars and conferences on emerging trends relevant to audit • Market intelligence on proposed use of audit management / data analytics technology • Networking Opportunities with peers of similar backgrounds and experiences to share wins, lessons learned and best-practice insights. Data and Analytics Capabilities - access to: • Data analytics maturity assessments, case studies, expert support, use cases. Practical resources, tools and frameworks - access to: • Insights, research, best practice, audit resources, practical tools and frame-works to expand risk, control and business knowledge and inform audit scoping, facilitating more efficient ways of working and stronger performance. • Support on technical aspects on specific audits Provision of training & information - access to: • Learning and development sessions for the wider team (soft and profession-al) License/Subscription • 1 collective subscription that provides access for the internal audit senior executive and select team members to research and Insight, peer engagement, insights and research, learning events, executive networking opportunities, advisory support, best practices, benchmarking and other diagnostic tools.

4 HR
  • Duration: 1.5 year
  • Value: £450K

HR are looking to gain access to industry best practice and insight to enable the support of HMRC to meet its challenging business objectives through effective use of our people. License holders require access to material covering (but not limited to) the following topics: • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion • Employee Experience • Future of Work • Organisation Design • Leadership • Culture • HR functional management • Leadership of change • Health, Safety and Wellbeing • HR strategy • HR technology • Recruitment • Talent Development • Talent management and Development • Learning and Development • Future HR trends • Networking opportunities and introduction to peer organisations and people to dive deeper into relevant experiences • Webinars and conferences relevant to HR We are looking for a service which both advises on best practice and supports us in applying this effectively in HMRC. Licence / Subscriptions required: • 4 subscriptions to access HR research and best practice, benchmarks and case studies, tools based on industry best practice, online and virtual learning, access to expert analysts and live events. • 6 subscriptions to access HR research and best practice, benchmarks and case studies, tools based on industry best practice and online and virtual learning.

Award Criteria

Technical Ability Quality Questions _
Social Value _
Cost _

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

The procurement is being undertaken using a single stage open procedure split in to 4 lots based on individual business requirements with varying scope. Interested suppliers are able to bid on single or multiple lots and there are no restrictions on the number of lots a supplier can win. Please note, the Authority have determined this requirement to be VAT recoverable meaning the contract value will be exclusive of VAT. A value for 'Including VAT' has been included within each relevant section as required by the FTS system although the 'Excluding VAT' value should be considered when expressing interest. Values provided are inclusive of the optional 12 month extension. Values are indicative maximums and provide no commitment of spend or usage. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

