UK – Ipswich Borough Council Contracts (filtered) Filters: Keywords Procurement category television services & relatedtelevision servicesadvertising servicesaudio-visual equipmentpublic relationsprinting servicesmarketing servicesprinted matterentertainment servicestelecoms equipmentcommunications equipmentmiscellaneous servicesoffice suppliesnetwork equipmentcomputer equipmenttechnical maintenanceoptical equipmenttelecoms servicesoffice equipmentmarket research servicesbusiness services Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational Value AllHigh (£1M+)Medium (£100K - £1M)Low (< £100K)Value not specified More filters Refine Search Expand categories Found 1 notice in past year. February 2025Ipswich Borough CouncilShort Films to Support Ipswich's Nighttime Economytender (No more available)