UK – Cardiology Spec Towers Contracts Filters: Keywords Procurement category computer equipment & relatedcomputer equipmentoffice equipmentaudio-visual equipmenthardware itemssoftware and information systemsIT servicesinformation systemstelecoms equipmentnetwork equipmentsoftware systemscomputer related servicesoptical equipmentsoftware servicestechnical maintenanceoffice suppliescommunications equipmentsoftware development servicesscientific equipmentdata serviceselectrical machinery Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational More filters Refine Search Expand categories Found 1 notice in past year. January 2025Royal Papworth Hospital NHS TrustDesktop Computeraward: Dell Corporation£40.9K (No more available)