. UK – Miscellaneous Contracts Filters: Keywords Procurement category miscellaneous services & relatedmiscellaneous servicesbusiness servicesmanagement consultancymanagement servicessocial and personal servicesprinted matterhealth and social workIT consultancyresearch and developmentresearch consultancy servicesprinting servicescommunity health servicesstaffing servicessocial work servicestraining servicesmarket research serviceseducation and trainingpublic relationsoffice suppliessocial work with accommodation Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational More filters Refine Search Expand categories Found 323 notices in past month. Live tenders (More available)