Anaysis Summary: UK – Non Clinical Temporary Staff Contracts
View Tenders Refine Filters:Publication summary
Found 283 procurement notices in 2025. There are 186 unique titles.
The following chart shows the number of matched notices per month:
Buyer organisations
Top 16 buyers
Supplier organisations
Top 16 suppliers
Buyer locations
Locations of the main buyers:
Keywords Sample
Below are common keywords found in published notices. Keywords derive from allocated CPV codes.
- personnel supply services
- recruitment services
- information technology
- personnel and payroll
- management consultancy
- personnel services
- employee relocation
- nursing personnel
- domestic help personnel
- job search
- medical personnel
- commercial or industrial workers
- personnel
- office support personnel
- office personnel
Common phrases
Common phrases found within published text:
- fixed term staff framework
- innovation
- direct award
- uk research and innovation
- ccs rm6277 non clinical temporary
- ccs rm6277 non clinical temporary and fixed term staff framework
- uk research
- ccs rm6277 non clinical staffing
- uk shared business services
- ccs rm6277 non clinical staffing framework
- variation
- ccs rm6277 non clinical staffing none
- ccs rm6277 non-clinical temporary
- ccs rm6277 non-clinical temporary and fixed term staff framework
- fixed term staff
- an administrator
- * uk research
- crown commercial services framework rm6277 non clinical temporary
- crown commercial services framework rm6277 non clinical staffing
- ccs rm
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