Contract Locations: UK – Offshore Wind Projects Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 21 buyers and 21 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 26 buyer locations and 21 supplier locations.) 

Top 22 buyers
Top 21 suppliers
- London
- Sharpe Pritchard - 1
- Carbon Trust - 1
- DNV Services - 1
- Green Giraffe - 1
- Sustainable Venture Development Partners - 1
- Scotland
- International
- South West England
- Apollo Engineering Consultants - 1
- Calculated Innovation - 1
- Nerth - 1
- South East England
- Abpmer - 1
- Renewable Risk Advisers - 1
- UK - General
- Sharpe Pritchard - 1
- North East England
- North West England
- Apem - 1
- East of England
- RSPB - 1