16+ Semi-Independent Living Supported Accommodation Service
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year (est.)
- Value
- £1-£20M
- Sector
- Published
- 11 Jan 2021
- Delivery
- To 15 Jan 2024 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a

2 buyers
- London Borough of Enfield Enfield
21 suppliers
- Atlantic Lodge Housing London
- Avance Care Services London
- Christian Action London
- Crown Social Care London
- Elliot Leigh TLC Essex
- Explore Independence Surrey
- Green Harvest Capital Consulting Devon
- Heartwood Outreach Services Essex
- Leighview House Westcliff on Sea
- Neo Properties London
- North & East London Care London
- Oak Tree Care Services Enfield
- Outset Care Services Enfield
- Pathfinder Care Services Dagenham
- Preferred Living London
- Progressive Mindz London
- Right Choice Service Enfield
- Safe Haven Services Chelmsford
- TNS Care Tiptree
- Transforming Lives Essex
- Urbanland Management London
Provide semi-independent living accommodation and support to children aged 16+ years looked after and care leavers who are currently the responsibility of Enfield Council.
Lot Division
1 | Block-booking 2 x staffed units To provide block-booked two units of staffed semi-independent living supported accommodation. |
2 | 2x unstaffed units To provide block-booked two units of unstaffed semi-independent living supported accommodation. |
3 | 24 hour staffed placements To provide 24 hour staffed semi-independent living supported accommodation placements. |
4 | 18 hour staffed placements To provide 18 hour staffed semi-independent living supported accommodation placements. |
5 | To provide Night staff only placements |
6 | Lot 2 - (d) Female alone placements To provide Female alone placements |
7 | Lot 2 – (e) 18+ (of age) unstaffed units To provide unstaffed units of semi-independent living accommodation service for young people aged 18+. |
8 | Lot 2 – (f) Stand-alone flats To provide Stand-alone flats |
9 | Lot 3 – (a) Complex/High needs To provide support for young people who have complex needs. |
10 | Lot 3 – (b) Therapeutic mental health To provide Therapeutic mental health support. |
11 | Lot 3 – (c) Parent Child To provide parent and child support service for young people who have complex needs. |
12 | Lot 4 - Additional support hours To provide additional support hours as and when necessary. |
Award Detail
1 | Atlantic Lodge Housing (London)
2 | Avance Care Services (London)
3 | Christian Action (London)
4 | Crown Social Care (London)
5 | Elliot Leigh TLC (Essex)
6 | Explore Independence (Surrey)
7 | Green Harvest Capital Consulting (Devon)
8 | Heartwood Outreach Services (Essex)
9 | Leighview House (Westcliff on Sea)
10 | Neo Properties (London)
11 | North & East London Care (London)
12 | Oak Tree Care Services (Enfield)
13 | Outset Care Services (Enfield)
14 | Pathfinder Care Services (Dagenham)
15 | Preferred Living (London)
16 | Progressive Mindz (London)
17 | Right Choice Service (Enfield)
18 | Safe Haven Services (Chelmsford)
19 | TNS Care (Tiptree)
20 | Transforming Lives (Essex)
21 | Urbanland Management (London)
Award Criteria
Quality | 60.0 |
PRICE | 40.0 |
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
- 85300000 - Social work and related services
- Award on basis of price.
- FTS 000540-2021
- elliotleightlc.com
- nelcare.org.uk
- enfield.gov.uk
- find-tender.service.gov.uk
- avancecareservices.com
- tlcsocialcare.co.uk
- gov.uk
- urbanland.org.uk
- safehavenservices.co.uk
- christianaction.org.uk
- btconnect.com
- leighviewhouse.co.uk
- progressivemindz.com
- atlantic-housing.com
- tnscare.com
- gmail.com
- csc.uk.net
- outsetcareservices.co.uk
- preferredliving.co.uk
- elliotleigh.com
- rightchoiceservices.org.uk
- greenharvestcc.com
- pathfindercare.org.u
- ot-cs.com
- heartwoodcare.org
- exploreuk.co.uk