New Workspace Units and Refurbishment Works at Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park, North Quay, Hayle, TR27 4DD

A Tender Notice

Contract (Works)
1 year
19 Jan 2021
25 May 2021 to 27 May 2022
16 Feb 2021 12:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers

3 buyers


As part of the enhancements to the existing Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park (HMRBP) in West Cornwall, and under Phase 2 of its development, Cornwall Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified Construction company to act as Principal Contractor and undertake works for the following: The construction of 6 new BREEAM Excellent workspace units (circa 1 475 m2 total area) and the extension and refurbishment of an existing building to provide 5 BREEAM Very Good office units (circa 430 m2 total area), with ancillary facilities, carparking, and external and landscaping as designed. The contract will also include asbestos surveys, removals, and clearance testing, and contamination remediation where applicable. The works are anticipated to start on site during April 2021 and will need to be completed during May 2022 to meet European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) requirements. The relevant tender documentation and all formal communications or queries regarding this opportunity must only be accessed or made via the portal, under Project Reference DN509481.

Total Quantity or Scope

Following the success of the Phase 1 development, Cornwall Council are seeking a suitably and demonstrably experienced principal contractor to undertake the works to construct the second phase of Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park, at North Quay, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DD. The form of construction contract will be an NEC 3 Engineering and Construction Contract 2013 Edition (Option A) with secondary options and z clauses as included with the procurement documents, and appointment will be on a traditional basis with contractor design packages. Phase 2 will involve expanding the site west towards the existing Wave Hub site, and North on to land currently owned by Western Power. Land acquisition is well progressed and the majority of agreed conditions have been addressed; completion is expected prior to contract award and the contractor will be notified of any update to this position by way of a clarification should it become available during the tender period. The project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the contractor will be required to comply with all relevant EU Regulations and specifically the Branding and Publicity Guidelines required of an ERDF funded project. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as Managing Authority for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme has completed the technical appraisal of the full application and approved in principle the award of ERDF grant. The pre-offer ERDF conditions have been cleared and at the time of writing the Council is awaiting receipt of the funding agreement. Any update to this position will be shared with all tenderers by way of a tender clarification. At present, a steel fence divides the site, and there is a level variation that will need to be overcome by the project. On the land owned by Cornwall Council, the project will deliver 5No. BREEAM Excellent light industrial units (Building 1) with office and workspace at ground floor,office use mezzanines and solar PVs, totalling circa 1 119 m2 GIA, and deliver cross cutting themes. These are both key requirements of the ERDF funding. Each industrial unit will be of a steel frame construction with piled foundations. Works will include foundations, building envelope, internal partitions and fitting out, and MEP. The contractor will need to allow for ground remediation works in the area due to the presence of asbestos and caution will need to be taken due to the proximity of live HV cables. Works to this area of the site will include alterations to boundaries, provision of parking, retaining walls, landscaping and external works, and the provision of infrastructure incl. new supplies/utilities and drainage connections on-site and off-site, BT, and plant rooms as designed to operate the buildings. On the land owned by Western Power, the project will deliver 1no. BREEAM Excellent light industrial unit (Building 2) with office and workspace at ground floor, office use mezzanine and solar PVs, totalling circa 369 m2 GIA, and deliver cross cutting themes. These are both key requirements of the ERDF funding. Each industrial unit will be of a steel frame construction with strip and pad foundations. Works will include foundations, building envelope, internal partitions and fitting out, and MEP. Works to demolish and reconstruct an existing retaining wall will also be required in this area. The project will also deliver the extension and refurbishment of an existing switch room (Building 3) to BREEAM Very Good, with a new roof and solar PVs, totalling circa 4 35 m2 combined GIA. The contractor will need to allow for asbestos surveys, removals, and clearance testing as part of the refurbishment works. The contractor will need to allow for ground remediation works as outlined in the strategy provided with the procurement documents, and works will also include the provision of parking, landscaping and external works, and the provision of infrastructure incl. new supplies/utilities and drainage connections on-site and off-site, BT, and plant rooms as designed to operate the buildings. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining each of the BREEAM credits targeted during RIBA Stages 5 and 6 and will also be responsible for discharging each of the outstanding planning conditions listed within the works information. The Council anticipates the contract Award to take place during April 2021, with completion and occupation of the new facilities during May 2022.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Any additional information requests or tender clarification queries must ONLY be raised using the Due North/Proactis E-Procurement Portal, accessible via using the Messaging system for Project Reference DN509481. That is also where interested Contractors will also be able to access more detailed information and download all of the associated Specification and Tender submission information etc.

