Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework

A Contract Award Notice

Framework (Services)
4 year (est.)
20 Jan 2021
To 18 May 2025 (est.)



LLWR Site Drigg Cumbria

Geochart for 3 buyers and 6 suppliers
LLW Repository
Active Collection Bureau
Augean Treatment
Tradebe Inutec
Urenco Nuclear Stewardship
Springfield Fuels
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers

6 suppliers


LLW Repository Ltd (LLWR) leads the delivery of the National Waste Programme (NWP) on behalf of the nuclear decommissioning authority through the following activities: • implementing the radioactive waste hierarchy; • making best use of existing radioactive waste management assets; • meeting the need for new fit-for-purpose radioactive waste management routes. LLWR has placed a framework agreement for radioactive metallic waste treatment services.

Total Quantity or Scope

LLWR has placed a framework agreement to deliver radioactive metallic waste treatment and associated services largely consisting of: • waste characterisation, • waste generation/enabling services, • packaging, • transport, • receipt, • storage, • sorting and size-reduction, • treatment, • primary/secondary waste management, • service/project management, • expert support. The framework will be managed by LLWR. Organisations can access the framework services via a Waste Services Contract (WSC) with LLWR. These organisations that either currently hold, or may in future enter into, a WSC with LLWR, include private sector bodies, plus public sector bodies that fall into one or more of the following categories: 1) Any of the following and their future successors: (a) ministerial government departments; (b) non-ministerial government departments; (c) executive agencies of government; (d) Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs), including advisory NDPBs, executive NDPBs, and tribunal NDPBs; (e) Assembly Sponsored Public Bodies (ASPBs); (f) police forces; (g) fire and rescue services; (h) ambulance services; (i) maritime and coastguard agency services; (j) NHS bodies; (k) educational bodies or establishments including state schools (nursery schools, primary schools, middle or high schools, secondary schools, special schools), academies, colleges, Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), further education colleges and universities; (l) hospices; (m) national parks; (n) housing associations, including registered social landlords; (o) third sector and charities; (p) citizens advice bodies; (q) Councils, including county councils, district councils, county borough councils, community councils, London borough councils, unitary councils, metropolitan councils, parish councils; (r) public corporations; (s) public financial bodies or institutions; (t) public pension funds; (u) central banks; and (v) civil service bodies, including public sector buying organisations. 2) Those listed and maintained by the Government on their website at or any replacement or updated web-link. 3) Those listed and maintained by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) at or any replacement or updated web-link. 4) Those bodies in England, Wales or Northern Ireland which are within the scope of the definition of ‘Contracting Authority’ in regulation 2(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) and/or Schedule 1 PCR.

Award Detail

1 Active Collection Bureau (Kent)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Augean Treatment (West Yorkshire)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
3 Cyclife (Cumbria)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
4 Tradebe Inutec (Buckinghamshire)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
5 Urenco Nuclear Stewardship (Cheshire)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
6 Springfield Fuels (Lancashire)
  • Radioactive Metallic Waste Treatment Services Framework
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 6
  • Value: £65,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.

Award Criteria

Service proposals 35.0
Managing and improving delivery 35.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 90521000 - Radioactive waste treatment services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The framework value is an estimate only and no guarantee can be given regarding the value or volume of work.

