NHS Scotland National Uniform

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Supply)
not specified
21 Jan 2021
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The NHS in Scotland requires a contractor to provide a national uniform set to NHS Scotland personnel including Scottish Ambulance Service and students in health related training establishments throughout Scottish universities. The current national uniform set consists of core garments: tunic, trousers and polo-shirts. Other garments include blouses, shirts, fleece and tailored trousers. The SAS core uniform consists shirts, trousers, boots and helmets. The contractor must be able to receive and deliver garments to and from approximately 260 delivery locations plus many more delivery points throughout Scotland. The successful contractor will be required to manufacture items to a set design and stringent quality specification which, whilst durable and fit for purpose, provides the NHS in Scotland with value for money. Current supply chain includes a supported business sub contract; the Authority intends for this to be continued.

Lot Division

1 NP721-21 NHS Scotland National Uniform

The NHS in Scotland requires a contractor to provide a national uniform set to NHS Scotland personnel and students in health related training establishments throughout Scottish universities. The current national uniform set consists of core garments: tunic, trousers and polo-shirts. Other garments include blouses, shirts, fleece and tailored trousers. The contractor must be able to receive and deliver garments to and from approximately 130 delivery locations plus many more delivery points throughout Scotland. … They will be required to manage the supply chain including arrangement of transportation, storage and distribution, along with managing order fulfilment and customer returns. The successful contractor will also be expected to operate an end to end intelligent stock management and order fulfilment system to ensure that short customer delivery timescales can be adhered to. Interested suppliers should note there is a supported business sub contract in the current framework and supply chain and the Authority intends to continue this in the new framework - further information will be provided during pre tender engagement meetings and in due course in the tender documentation itself.

2 NHS Scotland - Scottish Ambulance Service

The NHS in Scotland requires a contractor to provide a national uniform set to NHS Scotland Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) personnel throughout various site throughout Scotland. The current SAS uniform set consists of core garments: shoes/boots, trousers, shirts, helmets,gloves, soft-shell jackets, sliders and epaulettes. The contractor must be able to receive and deliver garments to and from approximately 130 delivery locations plus many more delivery points throughout Scotland. … They will be required to manage the supply chain including arrangement of transportation, storage and distribution, along with managing order fulfilment and customer returns. The successful contractor will also be expected to operate an end to end intelligent stock management and order fulfilment system to ensure that short customer delivery timescales can be adhered to.

CPV Codes

  • 18100000 - Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
  • 18110000 - Occupational clothing


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

Please note that this notice is for prior information only. The Contract Notice for the Tender is expected to be issued approximately by end Feb 2021, when interested parties must make separate application for this by registering on the Public Contracts Scotland — Tenders website https://www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk). Anticipated contract value of 18,800,000 is based on an anticipated duration of 6 years plus two 12 month extension periods with an annual value of approximately 2.35m Please note the tender process for this framework originally commenced early 2020 with a detailed and comprehensive supplier engagement process carried out. A comprehensive pack of QA from this process was captured and will be provided to suppliers noting interest and requesting. In light of this and the current covid restrictions supplier engagement is not currently planned and instead suppliers are asked to note interest by contacting rebecca.cruickshanks@nhs.scot where they will be issued with the QA pack from 2020. Should any suppliers have further questions from this these can be sent by email to rebecca.cruickshanks@nhs.scot - we would ask that suppliers do this in a comprehensive way by collating and sending 1 email. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=640272. (SC Ref:640272)

