Contract for the Supply and Installation of an EPR Spectrometer to the University of Birmingham

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Supply)
not specified
16 Mar 2021
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Responses to this tender were only accepted from suppliers that have been awarded a Framework under the NWUPC LAB3123 NW - Lot 23 - EPR (ESR) Spectrometers. If you are not an approved Framework supplier for the above Lot 23, your response would not have been considered.

Total Quantity or Scope

A highest performance new X-band CW EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) spectrometer system is required for the characterization of a range of radical systems in supramolecular, metal organic framework and related materials in the School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham. The instrument offered must provide the flexibility necessary to address the wide range of studies which are envisaged. The materials to be studied will include some which are extremely unstable (air and moisture sensitive, for instance). Accordingly, the system must provide appropriate signal:noise characteristics and the availability of a range of flexible and powerful tools in the data collection and data analysis software are key factors of consideration. The spectrometer must be equipped with ENDOR capability to measure hyperfine interactions and nuclear spin relaxation. It is envisaged that this range of interests would be best served by an instrument of the outline specification below. The essential requirements are as follows: General Requirements: The supplier must be firmly established as a manufacturer of EPR spectrometers: with a significant number of recent relevant installations of similar instruments in the U.K., Europe and worldwide, and with a demonstrable reputation for provision of highest data quality, very good reliability, excellent training, comprehensive user-support and with an extensive and fully-supported diagnostics capability. (Suitable references, with user contact details, etc., to be provided.) 3 General System Requirements:  The system must enable the collection of X-band CW EPR spectra, whilst also allowing ENDOR functionality.  System must be provided with evidence that all equipment is CE marked.  System supplier must provide evidence that the system provides data of publishable quality.  The spectrometer must be equipped with a 10-inch double yolk magnet and a solid-state power supply with 12 kW output power.  For the broadest applicability of the equipment and to enable analysis of complex organic radicals the system must provide high sensitivity and resolution, and allow full calibration for quantification of spins.  To ensure the best performance the system will require X-band sensitivity of 1.6 x 109 with modulation frequency from 4 to 100 kHz in 1 kHz steps and modulation amplitude up to 20 G.  Field stability of 10 mG / hour is required with a sweep resolution of 256,000 and 24 bit amplitude resolution.  The system must be equipped with an ENDOR system including an X-band CW ENDOR resonator enabling multi-resonance functionality. The ENDOR system must include a 150 W RF amplifier in the 100 kHz - 100MHz range.  The system must be equipped with appropriate sample EPR tubes and standard sample set. PC and Software Requirements:  The spectrometer must be provided with a powerful control computer with all of the software required for instrument control, data collection and analysis, etc.  An unlimited number of data integration and analysis software licenses must be provided and the software licenses must be valid for an unlimited period. Thus, importantly, all local (and 'remote') dependents of the equipment must have the capability to analyse data - independently of the instrument laboratory and the 'local' users, on their own PCs, remotely. Cooling Equipment Requirements:  The spectrometer must be provided with a heat exchanger providing 12 kW cooling power for the magnet and accompanying power supply.  The spectrometer must be provided with a variable temperature (VT) system capable of controlling experiments over the range 100-600k using liquid or gaseous nitrogen with digital temperature control unit.  The cooling system should include an appropriate liquid nitrogen storage system and ability to evacuate nitrogen transfer lines. Overall budget for this item is up to £325,396.81 ex VAT Delivery Date to be confirmed - No later than 31 July 2021 All tender questions must be answered within the tender form to facilitate comparison of responses. Please do not just put "refer to attached documentation". This project may be funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) or; - European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) or; - Research Councils UK (RCUK), the strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils.

Award Detail

1 Bruker (Coventry)
  • Contract for the Supply and Installation of an EPR Spectrometer to the University of Birmingham
  • Reference: sc8962/21
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £363,185

Award Criteria

Customer Requirement 55.0
Added Value 5.0
PRICE 40.0

CPV Codes

  • 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)


  • Award on basis of price.

