Provision of Arboriculture Services
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 5 year (est.)
- Value
- £5M
- Sector
- Published
- 17 Mar 2021
- Delivery
- To 17 Mar 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
- Belfast City Council Belfast
1 supplier
- Clive Richardson Portadown
Provision of arboriculture services across Belfast and Greater Belfast Areas for park and street trees.
Total Quantity or Scope
The Council is responsible for a wide variety of trees throughout the parks, cemeteries, playing fields and open spaces ‘Park Trees’ across Belfast. The residents of Belfast are very tree conscious and keen to ensure that trees are managed sensibly, both to enhance their long-term aesthetic value and to ensure permanent tree cover for future generations. Consequently, tree management enjoys a high profile and this contract plays a small part in ensuring the long-term future of trees under the Council’s care. The Council prides itself in offering a high standard, front facing service to all its customers and considers the quality of our environment as a priority in which all the trees contribute to our city’s own unique identity making it a healthier place in which to live and work. In addition to the management of Park Trees, the Council is also responsible on behalf of the DfI, for the day-to-day management of Street Trees. A Street Tree is defined as growing within the pavement/footpath, as listed within the ‘Street Tree Index’. There may be other trees owned by DfI, which are not located within the pavement but situated within grass areas; these are not Street Trees, but may be attended to at any time as part of this contract. This remit covers the greater Belfast area, known as the ‘DfI Eastern Division.’
Award Detail
1 | Clive Richardson (Portadown)
Renewal Options
The contract shall be effective from the date of award of contract for an initial period of 3 years with the option to renew/extend for a further 2 years, subject to the satisfactory performance measured by progress against KPIs and the availability of funding. The Council reserves the right to amend the Specification or re-negotiate the contract price during the contract period to cater for innovation or developments in the Service requirement e.g: Larger/more complex project work with a similar scope to the ranges of services under the contract where completion of the service is a priority e.g. • end of financial year spend from the DfI; • Council Property and Projects department one off tree surgery related requests; • dealing with serious pest and disease issues which may result in mass tree removals etc; such as ash dieback. Introduce required changes associated with the service to the specification to accommodate changes to the Council’s operational model and working practices e.g. functional re-structuring, new customer hub, etc. Introduction of more efficient systems and processes e.g. improvements in data returns; introduction of new work management system, etc.
Award Criteria
Implementation and mobilisation plans | 10.0 |
Customer service and experience | 7.5 |
Work planning and resourcing | 10.0 |
Out of hours/ incident support service | 7.5 |
Standards of Service | 15.0 |
Contract and performance management | 10.0 |
Contract objectives | 10.0 |
Cost | 30.0 |
CPV Codes
- 77211500 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211300 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400 - Tree-cutting services
- 77340000 - Tree pruning and hedge trimming
- 77341000 - Tree pruning
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
The contract value set out in this notice includes for the scope of the potential options set out section II.2.11) options.
- OJEU 134945-2021