Non-Hazardous Bulky Waste Disposal Services

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
5 year
17 Mar 2021
To 16 Apr 2026 (est.)
16 Apr 2021 13:00



The facility must be within a 10 mile radius of the service's depot located at Port Royal Street, Southsea, PO5 4NP. The facility must maintain minimum opening hours of 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 - 12:00 on Saturdays. The supplier must also be able to provide access to an alternative facility in the event that the main facility becomes unavailable. The supplier may be required on occasion to provide waste collection services for specific types of waste which has been dumped on Housing land on occasion across the city and surrounding environs, which includes for but is not limited to the social housing estates and Council owned land.

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Portsmouth City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


Portsmouth City Council ("the council") is inviting tenders from suitably licensed recycling facility operators for the provision of facilities and associated services for the disposal of non-hazardous household bulky waste. As part of the council's wider Housing, Neighbourhoods and Buildings (HNB) Service, the council's Estate Services are responsible for the upkeep of Housing land across the city and surrounding environs which includes for but is not limited to the social housing estates and Council owned land. These services include for the removal of bulky household waste which has been dumped on Housing land. Whilst Estate Services will always endeavour to locate the owner of the waste and instruct them to remove it often this cannot be achieved with the responsibility for the removal and disposal of the waste falling upon the service. In order to properly dispose of this waste the service requires access to a reliable disposal recycling facility that will accept delivery of the waste on a continuous regular year round basis. The amount of non-hazardous bulky waste that will require removal and disposal equates to approx. 500 tonnes. The service will transport the bulky waste to the facility provided by the supplier although the supplier may be required to provide a collection service for some waste types which may include for paint, oil and gas canisters. The facility must be within a 10 mile radius of the service's depot located at Port Royal Street, Southsea, PO5 4NP. The facility must maintain minimum opening hours of 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 - 12:00 on Saturdays. The supplier must also be able to provide access to an alternative facility in the event that the main facility becomes unavailable. The estimated value of the contract is approx. £100,000 per year based upon historical demand. However, the value of the contract is demand led and may be subject to significant spend increases or decreases to year by year spend on this basis. The contract will establish an agreed rate per tonne which will be used to calculate monthly payment values. On this basis no upper or lower constraints will be placed upon the overall lifetime value of the contract which may be varied significantly in accordance with the provisions set out within Regulation 72 1 a) of the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) (2015). The contract will be let using the council's standard service terms. The council is targeting to have awarded the contract by Monday 17th May 2021 with a subsequent commencement date of 7th June 2021. The initial contract period will be for two years with possibility of extending the term by a further three years to a maximum total term of five years in increments to be agreed, subject to the agreement and performance of both parties. In the event of termination during the initial contract term or extension period the council reserves the right to continue the contract with the second placed supplier at point of tender evaluation, subject to capacity and performance. If the second placed supplier is unable or unsuitable to undertake the services the Council may approach the third placed supplier and so forth. The Council will run the procurement process in accordance with the Open Procedure as set out within PCR (2015) to the following programme: • Issue Find a Tender Notice / Publish Tender Pack - 17.03.21 • Clarifications Deadline - 09.04.21, 23:59 • Tender Return Deadline - 16.04.21, 14:00 • Notification of Preferred Bidder - 04.05.21 • Standstill Period - 05.05.21 - 17.05.21 • Contract Award - 18.05.21

Total Quantity or Scope

See Section II.1.4 above. The council has the following specific requirements which the successful supplier must be able to address as a minimum: - Charge for bulky Waste per tonne - but with a minimum charge of no more than ¼ tonne. This is on the basis that the 3.5 tonne caged tippers rarely reach the half a tonne weight. - Provide a site within a 10 mile radius from the Estate Service Depot, located on Port Royal Street, Southsea, PO5 4NP. - Provide an outlet for specific items such as mattresses and fridges / freezers. - Provide a collection service for the disposal of paint, oil, and gas canisters. - Provide a customer portal for analysis of waste tipped including tonnage, costs, vehicle use. - Site opening times between 0800-1700 Monday to Friday, and 0800-1200 Saturday. - The site must have a focus on recycling waste and minimising the waste sent to landfill. - The supplier must be able to provide access to an alternative contingency site in the event the main site of operations becomes unavailable.

Renewal Options

The initial contract period will be for two years with the possibility of extending the term by a further three years to a maximum total term of five years in increments to be agreed, subject to the agreement and performance of both parties. The initial contract period will be for two years with the possibility of extending the term by a further three years to a maximum total term of five years in increments to be agreed, subject to the agreement and performance of both parties. In the event of termination during the initial contract term or extension period the council reserves the right to continue the contract with the second placed supplier at point of tender evaluation, subject to capacity and performance. If the second placed supplier is unable or unsuitable to undertake the services the Council may approach the third placed supplier and so forth. The estimated value of the contract is approx. £100,000 per year based upon historical demand. However, the value of the contract is demand led and may be subject to significant spend increases or decreases to year by year spend on this basis. The contract will establish an agreed rate per tonne which will be used to calculate monthly payment values. On this basis no upper or lower constraints will be placed upon the overall lifetime value of the contract which may be varied significantly in accordance with the provisions set out within Regulation 72 1 a) of the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) (2015).

CPV Codes

  • 90513100 - Household-refuse disposal services
  • 90511200 - Household-refuse collection services
  • 90512000 - Refuse transport services
  • 90513500 - Treatment and disposal of foul liquids
  • 90533000 - Waste-tip management services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Tenders are to be submitted via the Council's e-sourcing solution InTend which will be used to administrate the procurement process and can be accessed at the following address:

