Additional National Barrier Assets

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
2 year
09 Apr 2021
31 Mar 2021 to 30 Mar 2023
12 Feb 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Home Office
CLD Fencing Systems
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


As part of the UK Governments Global Britain agenda there has been an increase in the number of events of international interest being planned to be held in the UK. As such the Home Office are intending on procuring up to 5000m of temporary surface mounted security fencing which may be used to protect events. The fencing is required to be deployed regularly and installed / dismantled without the requirement of plant or heavy machinery. The contract will also include the storage of the fencing between deployments up to March 2023 when it will become part of the National Barrier Asset and agreements in relation to logistics of deployments.

Award Detail

1 CLD Fencing Systems (Sandbach)
  • Value: £797,500

CPV Codes

  • 34928200 - Fences


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

This procurement will be managed electronically via the Home Office's eSourcing Portal (JAGGAER). To participate in this procurement, participants must first be registered on the eSourcing Portal. If you have not yet registered on the eSourcing Portal, this can be done online at by following the link 'To register click here'. Please note that, to register, you must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Once you have registered on the eSourcing Portal, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing and quoting "National Barrier Assets-C20160" in the title to request access to the PQQ documents. Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; the name of the registered supplier; and the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. The eMail will be processed and then the buyer will enable the supplier to access the procurement online via the eSourcing Portal. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. For technical assistance on use of the eSourcing Portal please contact the JAGGAER Supplier Helpdesk at or 0800 069 8630 (0800 - 1800hrs). This procurement is being conducted through the restricted procedure in accordance with OJEU Directive 2014/24/EU and Public Contracts Regulations 2015 The procurement consists of two stages, a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) and a restricted invitation to tender (ITT) PQQ consists of two questionnaires: 1. Standard Selection Questionnaire is answered via the competition area within the Home Office e-sourcing portal. Questionnaires 1 (Supplier Information) and 2 (Exclusion Grounds) contain 'Pass/Fail' questions and act as a doorway for progression to the following technical stage of the questionaire. Potential Providers are strongly advised to read and understand the specific guidance provided before responding to these questionnaires. 2. Technical selection questionnaire is also answered via the competition area within the Home Office e-sourcing portal and relates to product information and capability. In order to be considered for the invitation to tender stage two, bidders are expected to answer all the questions in the affirmative to attain a mark of 100% for this section. When the PQQ stage ends, submissions will be evaluated against the criteria set out in 1 & 2 above and successful bidders will be invited to participate in stage two, the ITT.

