NU1538-2 Aggregated Capital Projects Autumn 2020 - Network Equipment RFQ

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
6.5 month
21 Apr 2021
11 Feb 2021 to 31 Aug 2021
18 Dec 2020 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Newcastle University
Horsebridge Network Systems
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


This Request For Quotation (RFQ) is an aggregated procurement for the supply of Huawei wired and wireless network equipment and associated professional services for the following University Capital Projects and Ancillary Requirements: • Henry Daysh Building (Phase 2) o Phase 2 of the full refurbishment of this large existing building complex (formerly known as Claremont Complex, comprising Claremont Tower, Claremont Bridge and Daysh buildings) on the main campus, for use by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS). o This requirement excludes WiFi elements as they have already been procured. • The Advanced Engineering Research Hub (AERH) building at Walker. o This is the creation of a heavy engineering research centre and workshop within an existing industrial building close to the north shore of the River Tyne in Walker, Newcastle upon Tyne. The facility will work in conjunction with the existing University facilities at the Tyne Subsea / National Centre for Subsea and Offshore Engineering at Wallsend. • The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) OME Building o This is a small experimental building being constructed on the main campus as part of a joint research initiative between Newcastle University, Northumbria University and their funding partners to investigate innovative uses of biotechnology within the built environment. • Campus Network Mid-life Upgrades. o This project covers a number of requirements including: ? targeted upgrading of WiFi access points in key areas of campus ? replacement of some building gateway devices that are approaching the End Of Support from Huawei. ? replacement of some high-speed optical components which are approaching the End Of Support from Huawei. ? Purchase of additional datacentre 10Gbps server connection capacity to meet anticipated future needs. • Miscellaneous Requirements. o Small requirements that do not fit anywhere else. For *each* project/requirement above, the RFQ details: • the network equipment required • any Asset Tracking and Labelling services required in relation to that equipment • any Installation and Patching services required in relation to that equipment • the target delivery/installation schedule for each delivery/installation location It should be noted that, at the time of publication of this RFQ, the various target delivery/installation dates specified are indicative only, and may be subject to change, according to the progress of the individual projects concerned. NOTE: This is only being issued to those appointed to Lot 2 Equipment Supply and/or Installation and Commissioning Support Services of the Newcastle University Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement for Huawei Network Equipment, Maintenance and Related Services.

Award Detail

1 Horsebridge Network Systems (None)
  • Value: £200,650

CPV Codes

  • 32400000 - Networks


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

