National Microbiology Framework - Lot 3 Manufacturing, Product Development and Commercialisation

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
2 year
24 Apr 2021
09 Apr 2021 to 08 Apr 2023
07 Dec 2020 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 9 suppliers
Public Health England
Bio Techne
Europlaz Technologies
Immensa Health Clinic
Life Technologies
Randox Laboratories
Thermo Fisher Diagnostics
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

9 suppliers


Lot 3 is for the manufacturing, product development and commercialisation of diagnostic and/or therapeutic products for the purpose of research, experimentation, study, development or to establish commercial viability or to recover research and development costs. Please note that this Award Notice is for Lot 3, however the Framework Agreement encompasses the following four lots: - Lot 1: Diagnostic Goods and Services - Lot 2: Research and Development Goods and Services - Lot 3: Manufacturing, Product Development and Commercialisation - Lot 4: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Testing Services

Award Detail

1 Ausdiagnostics (None)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
2 Bio Techne (Abingdon)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
3 Europlaz Technologies (Southminster)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
4 Immensa Health Clinic (London)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
5 Life Technologies (Paisley )
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
6 Qiagen (Manchester)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
7 Randox Laboratories (Diamond Road Crumlin Northern)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
8 Thermo Fisher Diagnostics (Altrincham)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000
9 Yourgene Health (Manchester)
  • Value: £2,500,000,000

CPV Codes

  • 33000000 - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
  • 33100000 - Medical equipments
  • 33124100 - Diagnostic devices


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The term of the framework is for an initial 2 years with options to extend by up to a further 2 years. The value attributed to each Lot is an approximate estimate only, the actual values will be to such level as those purchasing under the Framework Agreement consider necessary to provide suitable requirements. The scope of this Framework Agreement covers Goods and Services that are subject to rapid and frequent improvements, advancements and new scientific and technical developments. Therefore, to keep this Framework Agreement in line with the latest market and scientific developments so as to ensure that patients and other end users have ongoing access to state of the art diagnostics for the duration of this Framework Agreement successful Suppliers will be able to propose new and/or updated Goods and/or Services to be added to a Supplier's range under the Framework Agreement if one or more of the following circumstances apply: - Where the proposed updated Goods or Services fall within the general scope of this procurement as set out as part of this OJEU Contract Notice (i.e. fall within an existing main or supplementary CPV code as may be referred to in this Contract Notice and/or the description sections of this Contract Notice); - Where the proposed new Goods or Services fall within the broad categories of Goods or Services covered by this Framework Agreement (i.e. fall within an existing main or supplementary CPV code as may be referred to in this Contract Notice and/or the broad categories of Goods and/or Services referred to in any of the description sections of this Contract Notice), but are new to the market. For the avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of any testing services, this will allow Suppliers to offer new types of tests, new test kits, related new equipment / products, related new consumables and related new Services as and when they become available during the duration of the Framework Agreement provided they fall within an existing main or supplementary CPV code as may be referred to in this Contract Notice and/or the broad categories of Goods and/or Services referred to in any of the description sections of this Contract Notice); - Where the proposed new or updated Goods or Services reflect a product or service line extension (i.e. are new, modified or updated products or services in the same category of Goods or Services already supplied by a Supplier under this Framework Agreement); or - Where the proposed new or updated Goods or Services reflect a range extension (i.e. are new, modified or updated products or services that reflect an expansion of the Supplier's range in the same category of Goods or Services already supplied by a Supplier under this Framework Agreement). n/a National_Microbiology_Framework_Agreement_Lot 3.pdf n/a Schedule 6 - Commercial Schedule Lot 3.xlsx

