NHS Framework Agreement, Branded Medicines for London and South of England and Bevacizumab for North of England and Midlands and East

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Products)
2 year
30 Apr 2021
01 Sep 2021 to 31 Aug 2023
04 Jun 2021 13:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Invitation to offer for NHS Framework Agreement, Branded Medicines for London and South of England. Offer ref number: CM/PHR/20/5598 Lot 01 - LONDON Branded Medicines - Tranche B. Period of Framework 01/09/21 - 31/08/23 with option to extend for a period of 24 months. Lot 02 - LONDON Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche. Period of framework 01/09/21 - 31/08/22 with option to extend for period of 12 months. Lot 03 - SOUTH of England Tranche A. Period of Framework: 01/09/21 - 31/08/23 with option for a period of 24 months Lot 04- SOUTH of England - Tranche B. Period of framework:01/09/21 - 31/08/22 with option to extend for a period of 12 months. Lot 05 - SOUTH of England Annual Tranche. Period of Framework:01/09/21 - 31/08/22 with option to extend for a period of 12 months. Lot 06 - Mids & East and North of England Regions - Bevacizumab. Period of Framework: 01/09/21 - 28/02/22 with option to extend for a period of 6 months.

CPV Codes

  • 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Document No. 05b(i) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_01 v2 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoD/GQ4vB9GAGXJ... Document No. 05b(iii) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_03 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVob/c8o7rrXRoCL... Document No. 05b(v) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_05 v2 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo2/CvA7mKYYx_9... Document No. 01 - Invitation to offer covering letter https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoa/7N0gZGUjuXZ... Document No. 05 - Selectt offer schedule instructions https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoF/hTQDmAnfP_V... Document No. 02 - Terms of offer https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoV/NI0V20rcXV2... Document No. 03 - Framework Agreement and Terms and Conditions https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoQ/BGFjjgbryZS... Document No. 04 - Contract technical specification https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoM/fe4z5GdeoI9... Document No. 06 - Form of offer (A2383498) https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVof/oCp4w6AuT5N... Document No. 07a - Quality control technical sheet (A2383499) https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoG/sxFFp8DGOuX... Document No. 10 - Participating Authorities https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo6/nKy42iCElHV... Document No. 05a( i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi ) CM_PHR_20_5598_00 SELECTT Application https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoE/U4jqM2HoUeZ... Document No. 05b(ii) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_02 v2 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo3/diqzI.5rBTP... Document No. 05b(iv) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_04 v2 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoC/eJnKxtSSyuq... Document No. 05c - Volume discounts or Additional Products Offer Schedule https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo8/aLi57N9pDML... Document No. 08 - Confidential information schedule (A2383500) https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoB/Zmi2Q.I.ZqU... 210430 FTS NOTICE PUBLISHED -CM_PHR_20_5598 - NHS Framework for the SOUTH of England Annual Tranche. _ Salesforce - Enterprise Edition009446-2021 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo1/LTtT0Jl6hbQ... Document No. 05b(vi) - Tender Product Listing and Usage - CM_PHR_20_5598_06 v2 https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoH/wGz.JUgNQ6O... Document No. 07b - Guidance for performing a risk assessment of licensed medicines for the NHS (A2383503) https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVoL/2v5qxOXCSyT... Document No. 09 - Tender Design and Guidance on completing the ITO https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kVo7/KuGAiDd9rBb...

