Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
8 month
16 Jun 2021
02 Aug 2021 to 31 Mar 2022
12 Jul 2021 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


As part of the Government's Serious Violence programme, we are continuing to support local areas across England and Wales to strengthen their response to tackling serious violence, via the Ending Gang Violence & Exploitation (EGVE) programme. The serious violence unit has match-funded 38 local reviews and five strategic reviews, carried out by an independent team of experts since 2016/17. Following their commissioning of these reviews, local areas and partners have reported an improved understanding of emerging threats and issues, including local drug markets and how they drive violence. In addition to this, because of EGVE funded support, collaboration amongst local areas and their partners has been further promoted, which has in turn developed a local response to safeguarding and vulnerability issues. We intend to continue providing this service and the support to local areas using the local and strategic reviews. The Home Office is seeking to award grant funding to the successful organisation with the appropriate experience and expertise in tackling serious violence, gangs, county lines and vulnerability related issues, to undertake local and strategic reviews, and provide operational follow up support. The successful applicant will: • Maintain a network of appropriate experts. • Deliver match-funded local reviews to areas experiencing gang related exploitation issues and or/any local area experiencing a newly emerged critical threat and provide follow up return visits to each area to understand progress. • Deliver match-funded regional strategic reviews to identify a common framework that the police, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and partners across a region can sign up to, to effectively respond to the relevant and identified local issues. • Provide operation and support days tailored to the relevant locality. • Coordinate and chair the monthly telecons with local single points of contact to share information on national and local initiatives. • Provide support to the annual EGVE Forum by sharing best practice and expertise and linking into our online knowledge hub. • Design and provide an on-line training offer to practitioners for all local areas offering licenses.

CPV Codes

  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

How to apply The Home Office invites bids from non-statutory sector organisations that are charities, and non-profit making organisations in England and Wales. In order to apply, Bidders are required to send an email request for further information directly to HomeOfficeGrantsHub@homeoffice.gov.uk. Following receipt of these requests, the competition pack will be emailed directly to the bidder by the Home Office Grants Hub Team. This pack will contain the instructions on how to submit your application for the competition. Full and final applications should use Home Office Competition templates provided in the competition pack, and must be received electronically (by email) to Homeofficegrantshub@homeoffice.gov.uk by the submission deadline of 4pm (GMT) on Monday, 12 July 2021. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that their bid is submitted in a timely manner. The Home Office does not undertake to consider bids received after that time. The Home Office Grants Hub will not accept any applications submitted that have not been completed using the Home Office templates provided and will be rejected. Statement of Outcomes EGVE - Statement of outcomes v0.1.docx

