Waltham Forest Inclusion and Alternative Provision Alternative Provision Pathway – College Places

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
01 Jul 2021
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The London Borough of Waltham Forest, commissions education providers to deliver alternative educational and vocational programmes to young people who are not succeeding on a more traditional academic curriculum, who are at risk of failing in mainstream schools and those who wish to follow a vocational pathway. This is a key part of keeping the young people of Waltham Forest in learning and making a positive contribution to society. The alternative educational programmes provide accredited qualifications to those young people who may struggle to achieve in a more conventional setting. Waltham Forest inclusion and alternative provision (AP) strategic approach to inclusion and alternative provision responds to the national and local contexts set out above, and aims to help every child and young person have the best start in life by: • keeping children & young people safe from harm; • maximising individual potential, educational & vocational attainment outcomes; • strengthening emotional health and well-being; • reducing offending rates of young people educated outside mainstream. The purpose of this exercise is to gauge the level of interest in this opportunity and to help inform and shape the final design of and strategy for this tender. London Borough of Waltham Forest are seeking experienced providers, with vision to delivery All Alternative Provision Programmes. This will be undertaken through a Tender exercise in the next coming months. Interested providers should register on the London Tenders Portal and send a message via the message tool.

Total Quantity or Scope

The contract will include all aspects of alternative educational and vocational programmes to young people: The aims of providing alternative educational and vocational programmes is to help every child and young person have the best start in life by: … All alternative educational and vocational programmes provide children with a safe and supportive learning environment with high quality teaching where staff will listen to children and respond to their concerns. Children have the opportunity to access to a variety of learning opportunities with personalised programmes of learning that meet children’s needs. Children are given the opportunity to develop social and emotional skills to enable children to access and engage with learning and to participate, express views and contribute to decision making. Children are given impartial information, advice and guidance about next steps in education and given skills in preparation for life chances, economic independence and employability. A key principle of our new model is to maximise the impact of teaching, inclusion support and interventions to help ensure children remain in mainstream education for as long as possible. A strong focus on inclusion is a vital component of our joined-up, multi-tier approach: The aims of the Alternative Provision programme are: To deliver a range of accredited vocational courses and other accredited courses, including GCSEs in Maths and English which will be offered according to assessed student potential. Registration Criteria for Alternative Provision: In order to meet the criteria to be a provider of AP for Waltham Forest, providers who are neither a college of FE, or a maintained school and who are offering full time educational programmes (more than 50% of a schools week, or 15 hrs) must be registered with the DfE as an independent school* or free school. Target groups for the Alternative Provision programme: The focus of the Alternative Provision AP programme is on those students who are disengaged from their mainstream schooling and who find traditional academic routes more challenging. These students may express their disengagement through poor behaviour, poor attendance and relatively low levels of academic achievement. Given their current levels of engagement they are unlikely to achieve well if they continue in their school setting and are therefore at risk of becoming NEET. The purpose of the AP Programme is to provide an alternative route to success for these students. Providers will be expected to work across Waltham Forest to deliver high quality outcomes for residents of the borough. Providers are expected to offer alternative provision programme for one year for year 11 students or 2 years for year 10 students. Courses will be full time and follow the same calendar year as schools in the borough. The course would provide at least 25 hours of supervised learning per week spread over 5 days for a full time offer. We are seeking to gain some market insight from providers with a track record of proven knowledge and experience in all areas of alternative educational and vocational programmes to young people, including but not limited to from the list below: • Thoughts on a potential lotting strategy. • Sufficiency / length of tender period • Mobilisation period, preferences / experience • Opportunities and risks when tendering for new contract • Capacity / Capability of market to undertake the service

Renewal Options

Extension option – Yes, 1 year - only if funding is available

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

This PIN is not a tender but is a notice which sets out the contracting authority's purchasing intentions.

