FM21160- Construction Products Supply Chain

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
02 Jul 2021
not specified
13 Jul 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


***THIS PIN NOTICE IS TO NOTIFY SUPPLIERS OF A SUPPLIER ENGAGEMENT SESSION AND AT THIS STAGE IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION*** Introduction The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) was created in January 2018 to deliver consumer protection and to support business confidence, productivity and growth. We regulate a wide range of products with a focus on their safety and integrity. We work with local, national and international regulators, with consumer representatives and with businesses to deliver effective protections and to support compliance. Description As the new national regulator for construction products , the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) will work closely with the Building Safety Regulator and local regulators to promote, encourage and enforce good practice in the construction industry. OPSS will focus on immediate impact and long-term culture change to protect future residents and the built environment; tackling non-compliance and establishing new norms that restore public confidence in the industry. The role of OPSS as National Construction Product Regulator is to lead and coordinate the construction product regulatory system. OPSS is currently building its capacity and understanding in this area. In our shadow form, we are undertaking market analysis and aiming to develop a robust evidence base which will underpin our activities. In order to understand how the construction product market functions, we will be commissioning research that will evaluate the United Kingdom supply chains systems for a selected number of products. This engagement notice is being issued to undertake a market consultation exercise with regards to the current view of requirement detailed above. If you believe that this will be of interest to you and your organisation, please register your interest by sending an email to the following email address: By registering and attending you will be engaging in non-competitive dialogue which will enable BEIS to develop and assess the market's appetite, and views on formulation of its requirements. The session will last approximately one hour and comprise of the following: • Overview of the Department and the requirements • Open floor discussion and Q&A The supplier engagement session will be held on Thursday 15th July 2021 at 13:00-14:00 via Microsoft Teams. Please register your interest with the by 17:00 on Tuesday 13th July 2021. BEIS may consider the information and responses received as part of the preliminary market consultation to help inform the specification and further decision making in relation to the planning and conduct of the proposed procurement. Please refer to the PIN Information documentation attached to this notice for full details.

CPV Codes

  • 44000000 - Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

FM21160 - PIN Information FM21160 - PIN Information.pdf

