ICT13342 Surface Technology Contract Retender (STCR)
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 10 year
- Value
- £389M
- Sector
- Published
- 16 Aug 2021
- Delivery
- 03 Oct 2022 to 02 Oct 2032
- Deadline
- 27 Sep 2021 12:00
1 buyer
- Transport for London London
This Contract Notice relates to the Surface Technology Contract Retender (STCR) being undertaken by Transport for London (TfL) and which comprises a series of complex, high value and long term contracts and frameworks divided into multiple lots and (except for CCTV), split by geographical area across Greater London for the supply, installation, maintenance and disposal of the following assets: • Automated Traffic Signals - includes items such as wig wags, junctions and crossings (ATS) • Variable Message Signs (VMS) • Over-height Vehicle Detectors (OVD) • Surface CCTV (installation, maintenance and support services) The Lots are: Lot 1: ATS/VMS/OVD North Lot 2: ATS/VMS/OVD Central Lot 3: ATS/VMS/OVD South Lot 4: ATS/VMS/OVD North & Central Combined Lot 5: ATS/VMS/OVD North & South Combined Lot 6: ATS/VMS/OVD South & Central Combined Lot 7a: ATS/VMS/OVD Framework: North Lot 7b: ATS/VMS/OVD Framework: Central Lot 7c: ATS/VMS/OVD Framework: South Lot 8: CCTV Outstation
CPV Codes
- 32520000 - Telecommunications cable and equipment
- 32580000 - Data equipment
- 34921000 - Road-maintenance equipment
- 34923000 - Road traffic-control equipment
- 34924000 - Variable message signs
- 34928000 - Road furniture
- 34929000 - Highway materials
- 34970000 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
- 34990000 - Control, safety, signalling and light equipment
- 45233294 - Installation of road signals
- 45316200 - Installation of signalling equipment
- 45316210 - Installation of traffic monitoring equipment
- 50232200 - Traffic-signal maintenance services
- 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment
- 63712700 - Traffic control services
- 63712710 - Traffic monitoring services
- 71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
Other Information
Greater London has been divided into three geographical areas (North, Central, South) and these have been developed with a near equal split of assets for ATS/VMS/OVD. Lots 1-3 are single supplier contracts covering one geographical area, Lots 4-6 are single supplier contracts covering two geographical areas (combined area lots) and Lots 7a, 7b and 7c are multi-supplier frameworks covering one geographical area. For Lots 1-6, TfL requires a single supplier to be responsible for supply, installation and maintenance of the assets for its respective geographical area (the main geographical contractors). All routine maintenance in a geographical area will be carried out by the relevant main geographical contractor and also capital works and/or ordered maintenance under £250,000. Supporting the main geographical contracts, TfL will also establish 3 multi-supplier frameworks for ATS/VMS/OVD each aligned to one of the 3 geographical areas and under which, TfL may award call-off contracts for larger capital works and ordered maintenance projects. There is no restriction on the number of Lots for which an interested organisation can request to participate, however, there are a number of bidding rules detailed in the procurement documents. Lot 8 is a single supplier contract and requires a single supplier to be responsible for supply, installation and maintenance of the CCTV assets across London. IMPORTANT: All interested organisations are required to express their interest by emailing STCRCommercial@tfl.gov.uk. A Confidentiality Agreement will be required to be completed (unchanged) prior to receiving access to the procurement documents as these contain information which is confidential to TfL. A Contacts Form is also required of personnel that require access to the Procurement Data Room and ProContract. Interested parties are required to complete the Confidential Agreement & Contacts Form and return by email to STCRCommercial@tfl.gov.uk; More detailed provided in the Find a Tender notice 2021/S 000-019810 https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/019810-2021 More details on the scope are provided in Schedule 1/Appendix 1 (as applicable) of the procurement documents. TfL reserves the right to withdraw from the procurement process and may award contract/ framework agreements in whole, in part, or not at all as a result of this call for competition. Entering into one or more framework agreements does not guarantee any level call-offs by TfL. TfL shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any candidates in considering and/or responding to the procurement process. All discussions and meetings will be conducted in English. Tenders and supporting documents must be priced in Pounds Sterling and all payments made under the contract will be in Pounds Sterling, unless otherwise advised.
- TFL001-DN522455-12682960
- CF 3188bb86-e497-4ec3-a1d8-2c34888aed4d