LB Enfield Affordable Housing Programme Framework

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Works)
6 year
22 Sep 2021
To 11 Mar 2028 (est.)
27 Oct 2021 11:00



Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire: Enfield, Greater London and Hertfordshire

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
London Borough of Enfield
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The London Borough of Enfield is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced providers for the provision of works and services to deliver Enfield's Affordable Housing Programme. The works and services will be delivered under a Framework comprising three Lots as follows: Lot 1 - Development and Works; Lot 2a - Development Services and Sales; Lot 2b - Estate Management. Full details of all requirements and instructions are provided in the procurement and Tender documents on the London Tenders Portal. Ref DN 558228

Lot Division

1 Development and Works
  • Value: £1B

Lot 1 will be utilised for the procurement and development of housing-led sites. This will include all activities necessary to construct housing and associated facilities and infrastructure (e.g. commercial and employments spaces) and ensure the long-term effective housing and estate management of these sites. The Framework will be led by Enfield Council (“The Authority”) and will be made available to the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London (“Authorised Users”). Specific requirements for works procured under this Lot will be set-out in the call-off documents but are likely to include (but not be limited to) the following: • Securing grant funding and raising of development finance • Obtaining planning permission • Supply chain management • Design and construction of housing • Design and construction of facilities and infrastructure to support housing • Aftercare and effective management of housing stock. Development works procured through the Framework will be subject to terms further specified in a separate contract that will be defined as part of the call off process. It is anticipated that the form of contract to be used for individual sites or opportunities will be one of: • Development Agreement, or • Forward Fund Sales Agreement. (Please note that Enfield reserves the right to use a range of contracts where necessary and this will be determined at the call off stage). LB Enfield is following a two-stage Restricted procurement procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in order to procure the new 3-Lot Framework. Under the first stage of the process, bidders are required to complete a Selection Questionnaire and its associated appendices and submit it via the London Tenders Portal in line with the timetable provided on the portal and in the documents. Following evaluation of submitted SQs, LB Enfield anticipates shortlisting a maximum of 10 providers to be Invited to Tender for Lot 1. Following evaluation of received Tenders under the second stage of the process, LB Enfield anticipates awarding places on Lot 1 the Framework to a maximum of 8 providers. … 1. The Council or an Authorised User may invite, in writing, a Framework Provider to enter into a Call-Off Contract without any further competition between the Framework Providers (“Direct Selection”) where: 1. the Call-Off Contract relates to Lot 1 and the gross development value of the project is estimated by the Council or the Authorised User to be £30million or less;

2 Development Services and Sales
  • Value: £757M

Lot 2a will be utilised to procure the technical and professional services of Providers to support delivery of Enfield (and any Authorised Users) affordable housing development programme. The Framework will be led by Enfield Council (“The Authority”) and will be made available to the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London (“Authorised Users”). Specific requirements for works procured under this Lot will be set-out in the call-off documents but are likely to include (but not be limited to) the following: • Development Management services for part of, or the whole lifecycle of development projects • Sales and marketing of market sale and affordable homes. LB Enfield is following a two-stage Restricted procurement procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in order to procure the new 3-Lot Framework. Under the first stage of the process, bidders are required to complete a Selection Questionnaire and its associated appendices and submit it via the London Tenders Portal in line with the timetable provided on the portal and in the documents. Following evaluation of submitted SQs, LB Enfield anticipates shortlisting a maximum of 8 providers to be Invited to Tender for Lot 2a. Following evaluation of received Tenders under the second stage of the process, LB Enfield anticipates awarding places on Lot 2a the Framework to 6 a maximum of providers. … 1. The Council or an Authorised User may invite, in writing, a Framework Provider to enter into a Call-Off Contract without any further competition between the Framework Providers (“Direct Selection”) where: 1. the Call-Off Contract relates to services to be awarded under Lot 2a or 2b and: 1. the Council or the Authorised User is able to determine which Framework Provider will provide it with the most economically advantageous offer for the proposed Call-Off Contract by reference to the Framework Providers’ tender submissions for the Framework Agreement and having regard to the particular requirements of the Call-Off Contract in question; 2. in relation to awards by the Council only, where the estimated value of the Call-Off Contract is less than £200,000;

3 Estate Management
  • Value: £2M

Lot 2b will be utilised to procure the technical and professional services of Providers to support the management of Enfield (and any Authorised Users) affordable housing developments. The Framework will be led by Enfield Council (“The Authority”) and will be made available to the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London (“Authorised Users”). Specific requirements for works procured under this Lot will be set-out in the call-off documents but are likely to include (but not be limited to) the following: • Estate and place management in line with Social Regulator standards. LB Enfield is following a two-stage Restricted procurement procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in order to procure the new 3-Lot Framework. Under the first stage of the process, bidders are required to complete a Selection Questionnaire and its associated appendices and submit it via the London Tenders Portal in line with the timetable provided on the portal and in the documents. Following evaluation of submitted SQs, LB Enfield anticipates shortlisting 8 providers to be Invited to Tender for Lot 2b. Following evaluation of received Tenders under the second stage of the process, LB Enfield anticipates awarding places on Lot 2b the Framework to 6 providers. … 1. The Council or an Authorised User may invite, in writing, a Framework Provider to enter into a Call-Off Contract without any further competition between the Framework Providers (“Direct Selection”) where: 1. the Call-Off Contract relates to services to be awarded under Lot 2a or 2b and: 1. the Council or the Authorised User is able to determine which Framework Provider will provide it with the most economically advantageous offer for the proposed Call-Off Contract by reference to the Framework Providers’ tender submissions for the Framework Agreement and having regard to the particular requirements of the Call-Off Contract in question; 2. in relation to awards by the Council only, where the estimated value of the Call-Off Contract is less than £200,000;

Renewal Options

The Framework will be awarded for an initial period of four years, with the option to extend it by up to a further two years.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45111291 - Site-development work
  • 45210000 - Building construction work
  • 70111000 - Development of residential real estate
  • 70123100 - Sale of residential real estate
  • 71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
  • 71247000 - Supervision of building work
  • 71248000 - Supervision of project and documentation
  • 71251000 - Architectural and building-surveying services
  • 71500000 - Construction-related services
  • 79342000 - Marketing services
  • 50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
  • 70330000 - Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis
  • 77314000 - Grounds maintenance services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Contracting Authority is committed to maximising Social Value opportunities through the Framework and these requirements are set out in the procurement documents. The Contracting Authority will be developing a portfolio of properties that are outside the Borough. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to cancel the procurement and not to proceed with the Framework at any stage of the procurement process. The Contracting Authority also reserves the right not to award any or all of the Lots on the Framework. Neither the Contracting Authority nor any person on whose behalf of whom this procurement is undertaken is to be liable for any costs incurred by those expressing an interest or tendering for the Framework.

