National Anti-Corruption Indicators for Public Procurement in Mexico

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4.5 month
25 Sep 2021
01 Nov 2021 to 14 Mar 2022
18 Oct 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


REGION - Latin America (Mexico) The Foreign, Devlopment and Commonwealth Office (the Authority), represented by the British Embassy in Mexico City, seeks to appoint one Service Supplier to carry out a documentary investigation, comparative analysis of international best practices in the areas of monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of public procurement with the goal of exploring their viability and implementation in the Mexican context. The work will be undertaken under the supervision of the Anti-Corruption, Digitalisation and Competition Policy Unit at the British Embassy in Mexico City, SESNA technical team, and Ministry for Public Administration, through regular planning and review meetings with the delivery partner to ensure that the work plans align with the Programme's vision and objectives, and review progress against these. The meetings may be remote or face-to-face, on a case by case scheme. The primary beneficiary of this project will be the Executive Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption System (SESNA). By the end of the project, the implementer will deliver a comprehensive, analytical and comparative study of indicators and metrics used by other countries in the areas of monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of public procurement, identifying the best practices that could be recognised internationally. The implementer will also deliver a preliminary analysis of potential adoption of the aforementioned indicators and metrics, contextualising their viability and application, in the Mexican case scenario. The study will be delivered in Spanish. A brief final report, both in English and Spanish, with key findings and recommendations of the comprehensive study with a summary of the final deliverables achieved will be presented to the British Embassy team. Please submit your application by filling the documents required including and send them via e-mail to: It is important to fill out the Request For Quotation Form in its entirety, including Pricing Sheet. FCDO Terms & Conditions, Statement of Service Requirement (Terms of Reference), and Evaluation Criteria are attached seperately as PDF files. Consider that any email cannot exceed a maximum size limit of 10MB. If you are scanning documents - please save as PDF and 200pp resolution, please only use a higher resolution if the original scanned document isn't legible.

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Request for Quotation Temaplate with Pricing Sheet RFQ_Natl_Anticorruption_Indicators.xlsx Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria.pdf FCDO Terms and Conditions FCDO T&Cs Commercial.pdf Service Requirement (Terms of Reference) SESNA_Indicators_Tors_Final1.pdf

