Grant For Modern Slavery Prevention Fund

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 month
08 Oct 2021
29 Nov 2021 to 31 Mar 2022
08 Nov 2021 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The Home Office is seeking to award grant funding to key practitioners in the modern slavery sector to run prevention interventions aimed at stopping modern slavery from happening in the UK. The funding will contribute to the Government objective of reducing the prevalence of modern slavery in the UK and will build up the evidence base on what works through the evaluation of interventions. The Home Office will appoint an evaluation research partner to work with the successful organisations to look at the impact of each intervention funded and conduct an overall evaluation of the fund. Bids will go through a selection process run by the Modern Slavery Prevention Team in conjunction with Home Office Commercial. Bids will be reviewed by a Home Office panel with the relevant expertise in both commercial knowledge and modern slavery prevention policy. Successful bidders must provide: • Description of the innovative and/or evidence-based prevention activity they will be running. • Evidence of why prevention activity has been targeted towards a specific modern slavery typology in a geographic area/sector/other. • Identified target audience with clear insight evidencing why the approach will be effective for this audience. • Inclusion of a theory of change document to demonstrate how they will deliver planned outcomes. • Clear timeframe for delivery. • Clear plans for evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the intervention. • Description of how evaluation of the activity will be used to inform future activity, for example could the activity be scaled up and expanded. • Demonstration of how value for money will be achieved. • Outline of how General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will be met.

CPV Codes

  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Instructions to Bidders The Home Office invites bids from any organisation working in modern slavery prevention with the exception of the NCA who are not eligible to apply. Eligible organisations can include but are not limited to NGOs, academic institutions, local authorities, and the police. Bids can be either singular or in collaboration but must be put forward by a lead who can be the accountable body on the behalf of the partnership. Organisations can make only one application each as the lead bidder. They may also participate in a second bid only as a delivery partner. In order to apply, Bidders are required to send an email request for further information directly to Following receipt of these requests, the competition pack will be emailed directly to the bidder by the Prevention Team. This pack will contain the instructions on how to submit your application for the competition. Full and final applications should use Home Office Competition templates provided in the competition pack, and must be received electronically (by email) to by the submission deadline of 4pm (GMT) on Monday, 08 November 2021. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that their bid is submitted in a timely manner. The Home Office does not undertake to consider bids received after that time. The Home Office Grants Hub will not accept any applications submitted that have not been completed using the Home Office templates provided and will be rejected. Background and Statement of Outcomes Statement of Outcomes - Modern Slavery Prevention Fund.docx

