DHSC Assisted Testing Framework

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
4 year
14 Oct 2021
14 Sep 2021 to 13 Sep 2025
25 Jun 2021 15:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 4 suppliers
Department of Health & Social Care T&T
Abbott Toxicology
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Department of Health and Social Care has tendered for a 4-year UK-wide Framework to cover Assisted Testing requirements for the Authority (DHSC and other Contracting Authorities). This Framework is for the provision of Assisted Testing Services to support the Authority with outbreaks of viruses or diseases that require a testing programme. As part of this Framework the Government's Test and Trace Programme aims to deliver a comprehensive Assisted Testing Services across all four nations. The fully managed Assisted Testing Services are for any type of test site or location across the UK allowing for any test devices or technologies. The Services incl. but are not limited to the provision of Assisted Testing Services, training of own workforce or third parties, support of pilots and service evaluation of test devices, SOP development and deployment of the different roles individually. The Framework Value for the 4-year term of £386.6m has been estimated according to a series of Forecast Scenarios for both DHSC and other participating bodies, these are based upon actual requirements or historical requests. DHSC has estimated a deliberately high value on the basis of a declining demand approach plus contingency, allowing for the possibility of one or more additional pandemic waves and/or the increased prevalence of a vaccine-resistant variants or other viruses/diseases that may potentially require a planned health response. The estimated values per Lot are indicative only as the Authority cannot predict with any certainty which Lots may be used for requirements. The Authority therefore reserves the right to go beyond the estimated value of a Lot where there is underspend on another Lot(s) and provided always that the Authority remains within the overall Framework value.

Award Detail

1 Iqvia (Reading)
  • Value: £386,584,484
2 Sodexo (London)
  • Value: £386,584,484
3 Reed Specialist Recruitment (London)
  • Value: £386,584,484
4 Abbott Toxicology (Abingdon)
  • Value: £386,584,484

CPV Codes

  • 75131100 - General personnel services for the government
  • 79625000 - Supply services of medical personnel
  • 80561000 - Health training services
  • 79620000 - Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
  • 75200000 - Provision of services to the community
  • 85148000 - Medical analysis services
  • 38900000 - Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
  • 72225000 - System quality assurance assessment and review services
  • 79421100 - Project-supervision services other than for construction work
  • 80500000 - Training services
  • 79421000 - Project-management services other than for construction work
  • 80320000 - Medical education services
  • 80330000 - Safety education services
  • 85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
  • 79632000 - Personnel-training services
  • 85140000 - Miscellaneous health services

Other Information

DHSC Assisted Testing Framework Agreement_DHSC C21934_Sodexo-redacted https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000Ng1r/BNHPfJRBKUm... DHSC Assisted Testing Framework Agreement_DHSC C21934_Abbott Toxicology Ltd-Redacted https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000Ng26/ssEkczrISD.... DHSC Assisted Testing Framework Agreement_DHSC C21934_IQVIA-Redacted https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000Ng21/HlN3TU6_4pr... DHSC Assisted Testing Framework Agreement_DHSC C21934_Reed-Redacted https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/0O000000rwim/a/4J000000Ng1w/Wgtdx8UoZ4l...

