SOL - Strategic Environment Contract

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
20 year (est.)
27 Oct 2021
To 27 Oct 2041 (est.)




Geochart for 3 buyers and 1 suppliers
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Veolia ES
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers

1 supplier


Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (the ‘Authority’) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations in relation to its strategic environment contract. The services under the Contract will include: waste collection and recycling services, waste transfer station management and operations, management and operation of an household waste recycling centre, management and operation of depot(s), cleansing services, grounds maintenance services, arboriculture and forestry services, cemeteries and crematoria services. The Authority wishes to test two service delivery options and some services will be included as a provisional item, to be confirmed during the procurement. The Authority intends to make site(s) available for the provision of the services.

Total Quantity or Scope

1.1 The services under the Contract will include: waste collection and recycling services, waste transfer station management and operations, management and operation of an household waste recycling centre, management and operation of depot (s), cleansing services, grounds maintenance services, arboriculture and forestry services cemeteries and crematoria services. The Authority wishes to test two service delivery options and some services will be included as a provisional item, to be confirmed during the procurement. The Authority intends to make site(s) available for the provision of the services. 1.2 The Authority requires delivery of the following key strategic outcomes: (a) Strategic Outcome 1: The contractor delivers services that make Solihull healthier, greener, safer and prosperous through growth that creates opportunities for all. The contract: (i) improves the way Solihull looks and feels; (ii) makes Solihull a cleaner and tidier place; and (iii) makes people feel better about their surroundings. (b) Strategic Outcome 2: The contractor makes a positive impact on social, environmental and economic sustainability. (c) Strategic Outcome 3: The contract delivers maximum value for money for the cost of the services and achieves the Authority’s outcome of enhancing its financial position. (d) Strategic Outcome 4: The parties work together and share their respective responsibilities to implement the waste hierarchy. The contractor delivers solutions to help the Authority continuously reduce waste and increase the recycling and composting performance. Key performance indicators are set to monitor and report performance. These actions contribute positively to work towards the achievement of the recycling targets set out in the local plans and Government targets. (e) Strategic Outcome 5: Technological change is embraced throughout the contract and opportunities offered by rapid technological advancements are harnessed. (f) Strategic Outcome 6: The contractor works in partnership with the Authority to deliver against relevant outcomes in their strategic plans. 1.3 The Authority will implement the procurement procedure in successive stages -further information is set out in the procurement documents. It is intended that the procurement will be a streamlined competitive dialogue. Broadly to express interest economic operators must complete and return responses to the selection questionnaire (SQ) in accordance with the instructions set out in the procurement documentation. The Authority’s needs and requirements for the contract are included in the procurement documents published with this notice. This procurement is undertaken pursuant to the competitive dialogue procedure using an electronic tendering system. Economic operators will need to register on the portal in order to participate and the registration is free. All documentation is available from and all communication is to be conducted via the portal at http:// Following submissions of the completed SQs, the Authority will apply the selection criteria, as set out in the procurement documentation. The Authority intends to select up to three (3) economic operators to progress from the SQ stage to the invitation to participate in dialogue and submit detailed solution stage. The Authority will then commence dialogue with the bidders selected from the SQ Stage and at the conclusion of these dialogue meetings bidders will be required to submit their detailed solutions. Following evaluation of detailed solutions the Authority will invite all the bidders to detailed dialogue sessions. Once the Authority identifies the solution/solutions capable of meeting its needs, dialogue will be concluded and bidders invited to submit a final tender before a preferred bidder is selected that represents the Most Economically Advantageous Tender.

Award Detail

1 Veolia ES (London)
  • SOL - Strategic Environment Contract
  • Reference: sol – 9200
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £281,226,598
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

Renewal Options

The contract period will be for an initial term of 10 years, with the option to extend for a further period or periods of up to 10 years in aggregate.

Award Criteria

Method Statements 50.0
Legal and Risk 5.0
Social Value 5.0
Commercial 3.0
Price 37.0

CPV Codes

  • 90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
  • 44113910 - Winter-maintenance materials
  • 50870000 - Repair and maintenance services of playground equipment
  • 77211500 - Tree-maintenance services
  • 77310000 - Planting and maintenance services of green areas
  • 77320000 - Sports fields maintenance services
  • 77314000 - Grounds maintenance services
  • 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
  • 90600000 - Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
  • 90700000 - Environmental services
  • 90530000 - Operation of a refuse site
  • 90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment
  • 90511000 - Refuse collection services
  • 90511200 - Household-refuse collection services
  • 90511300 - Litter collection services
  • 90511400 - Paper collecting services
  • 90512000 - Refuse transport services
  • 90513100 - Household-refuse disposal services
  • 90514000 - Refuse recycling services
  • 90533000 - Waste-tip management services
  • 90610000 - Street-cleaning and sweeping services
  • 90611000 - Street-cleaning services
  • 90612000 - Street-sweeping services
  • 90630000 - Ice-clearing services
  • 90640000 - Gully cleaning and emptying services
  • 90641000 - Gully cleaning services
  • 90642000 - Gully emptying services
  • 90690000 - Graffiti removal services
  • 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services
  • 90910000 - Cleaning services
  • 90914000 - Car park cleaning services
  • 90918000 - Bin-cleaning services
  • 90920000 - Facility related sanitation services
  • 90520000 - Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services
  • 90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

In relation to the provision of finance for vehicles and equipment which individually cost more that £10,000 economic operators are referred to the procurement documents for information. TUPE is likely to apply to this procurement. During the procurement the Authority will explore through dialogue the following provisional services: - Clinical Waste collection - WEEE Collection - Golf pitch and putt – facility management - Authority building Commercial Waste and Recycling collection The Authority may include any or all of these provisional services in the contract, but does not commit to do so. The Authority will be considering, throughout the procurement process, two service delivery options. Service Delivery Option A will deliver an ‘as-is’ service and Service Delivery Option B will introduce a separate food waste collection service and change the residual collection frequency from weekly to fortnightly. The Authority reserves the right to abandon this procurement process at any stage. Economic operators are entirely responsible for their costs and losses arising or incurred as a result of any participation in this procurement process. The Authority reserves the right not to award the opportunity or to award only part (or a different arrangement) of the opportunity described in this contract notice. The Authority reserves the right to omit any part of the Services at any stage and to require those in the process to adjust their solutions accordingly. The estimate value of £310,000,000 is for the entire possible contract period of 20 years. In arriving at the estimate value the Authority has considered without limitation current value of the services, inflation, impact of growth and potential key service change to be explored as part of the competitive dialogue. Applicants should note that the procurement documents provide indicative information of the Authority’s approach in the procurement process at this stage and are for general information only. The Authority reserves the right to vary, amend and update any aspects of the procurement documents and final details and versions of the procurement documents will be confirmed to applicants successful in being selected to participate in dialogue.

