Sensor Channel Health Check

A Addendum Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
04 Nov 2021
not specified



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Expressions of interests are sought from potential providers that have the capability to develop and demonstrate algorithms that can be used for identifying and classifying defective channels so that they can be removed from the data stream prior to processing by other algorithms, as part of a larger data analysis system. The channel data would consist of time-series data from large arrays of sensors capturing noise and vibration data. The algorithms must be suitable for insertion into an open system and where they depend on the use of training data, a strategy for obtaining that data will need to be devised and implemented. A validation and verification strategy will need to be devised and the success of the algorithm(s) in identifying defective channels demonstrated. This work is to be delivered in accordance with the Systems Requirements document, which will be issued with the Invitation to Tender (ITT). The use of the Contracting, Purchasing & Finance (CP&F) system is a mandatory requirement for this Contract, the Authority must be assured that you have the technical ability to trade electronically and connect to the CP&F system. If this assurance is not provided Potential Providers will be sifted out during the DPQQ evaluation stage The Authority requires Potential Providers to comply with the Mandatory Selection Criterion for the Government’s Cyber Essentials Scheme. Failure to comply will lead to Potential Providers being sifted out at the DPQQ evaluation stage. The Cyber Risk Profile for this requirement identified by the Cyber Risk Assessment is Very Low (Reference – 524751796). The security classification of the project will be OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE level. In relation to Health and Safety the Authority will exclude Potential Bidders that are unable to confirm their organisation has a Health and Safety policy that complies with current legislative requirements and Potential Bidders that have been in receipt of enforcement/remedial action orders unless the bidder can demonstrate to the Authority’s satisfaction that appropriate remedial action has been taken to prevent future occurrences or breaches. Further information regarding exclusion criteria, minimum standards and the criteria for down selecting Potential Providers can be found within the DPQQ and it's supporting document 'Sensor Channel Health Check DPQQ Potential Provider Guidance'.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. N/A

DPQQ questions 6.2.3 and 6.2.5 have been updated as highlighted below. 2.1.4 DPQQ_6.2.3 Please provide details of the Potential Provider’s measures for ensuring quality in relation to the goods to be sold or hired or the services provided under the contract. 2.1.7 DPQQ_6.2.5 The standards and technical specifications (within the meaning of regulation 12(1)) required by the Authority are: ISO 9001:2015 DEFCON 602B (edn - 12/06) Quality Assurance (Without Deliverable Quality Plan) DEFCON 608 (edn - 07/21) Access & Facilities to be provided by the Contractor DEFCON 609 (edn - 07/21) Contractor’s Records DEFCON 611 (edn - 02/16) Issued Property DEFCON 627 (edn - 12/10) Quality Assurance – Requirement for a Certificate of Conformity AQAP-2110 (Edition: D Version 1 June 2016)NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, Development & Production AQAP-2210 (Edition: A Ver 2 Sept 2015) NATO Supplementary – Software Quality Assurance Requirements to AQAP 2110 or AQAP-2310 DEF STAN 05-057 (Issue: 7 July 2018) Configuration Management of Defence Materiel DEF STAN 05-061 Pt: 1 (Issue: 6 Mar 2016) Quality Assurance Procedural Requirements – Concessions DEF STAN 05-099 Pt: 1 (Issue: 1 July 2017) Managing Government Furnished Equipment in Industry (Provides end to end view of MOD requirements for the management of GFE in Industry) DEF STAN 05-099 Pt: 2 (Issue: 1 July 2017) Managing Government Furnished Equipment in Industry (Requirement for the Management of Inventory held by a delivery partner (DP), on behalf of the MOD as stated in the DP Contract) DEF STAN 05-135 (Issue: 2 July 2019) Avoidance of Counterfeit Materiel DEF STAN 05-138 (Issue: 3 July 2021) Cyber Security for Defence Suppliers If available please upload Certification by official quality control institutes or agencies of recognised competence attesting that the goods to be purchased or hired under the contract (for supplies) conform to standards and technical specifications (within the meaning of regulation 12(1)) identified by the Authority above.

CPV Codes

  • 35512000 - Submarines

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

