Decommissioning & Asbestos Removal (DAR) framework

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Works)
4 year
08 Nov 2021
To 29 Nov 2025 (est.)
20 Dec 2021 11:00



United Kingdom: Magnox Sites - Hinkley Point A, Oldbury, Berkeley, Trawsfynydd, Wylfa, Chapelcross, Hunterston A, Sizewell A, Dungeness A, Harwell and Winfrith

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


A framework contract for decommissioning, deplanting and asbestos removal works across the Magnox sites, comprising two 'Lots': Lot 1 - Conventional Deplanting, Asbestos Removal and Demolition. Lot 2 - Deplanting, Asbestos Removal and Demolition in Radiological contaminated areas

Lot Division

1 Conventional Deplanting, Asbestos Removal and Demolition
  • Value: £285M

The scope of services required to support this aspect of the programme includes (but is not limited to) the following requirements from the supply chain: • Civil, mechanical, and electrical enabling works required to support the scope of asbestos remediation, deplanting and demolition; • Environmental assessment • Deplanting of non-radiological buildings and equipment; • Deplanting of Plant and Equipment including lifting and the setting down of heavy items; • Decommissioning of plant and equipment; • Bulk stripping, treatment, and stabilisation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) following Magnox procedures for both inside and outside the Radiological Controlled Areas (RCA). • This scope will include the movement/disposal of ACM to an approved point, which may include landfill or storage points at Sites. • Environmental Cleaning. This will be required to give assurance that the permissible exposure limit (PEL) as set by OSHA are not exceeded for the deplanting and demolition of Magnox Sites. • Access Systems and Enclosures. Includes, but not limited to, installation and deployment of access systems including scaffolding, powered access systems, roped access and any other system of providing site staff and Contractors’ access to various locations at each of the facilities for the purposes of undertaking surveying, characterisation, full bulk asbestos stripping treatment & stabilisation, monitoring, and environmental cleaning. • Demolition of non-radiologically contaminated structures, offshore structures, tanks, and sewage systems. • Removal of hard-standings and roads. • Land remediation. • Making good the surrounding areas or buildings where partial demolition has taken place in line with the Code of Practice for full or partial demolition. • Decommissioning of switchgear and associated plant. • Disposal off site of scrap metal arising on site. • Waste segregation, minimisation, and disposal via appropriate waste routes; this excludes radiologically contaminated waste. • Project management to deliver end to end projects, manage subcontractors and act as Principal Contractor where required. • The scope also includes for the provision of professional services to undertake planning, scope definition, temporary works design, design activities and project management when required. Additional information: As set out in the procurement documentation the intention is to award frameworks to 3 to 4 tenderers for this Lot

2 Active Deplanting, Asbestos Removal and Demolition
  • Value: £200M

The scope of services required to support this aspect of the programme, includes (but is not limited to) the following requirements from the supply chain: • Civil, mechanical, and electrical enabling works required to support the scope of deplanting and demolition. • Environmental assessment. • Bulk stripping, treatment, and stabilisation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) following Magnox procedures for both inside and outside the Radiological Controlled Areas (RCA). • This scope will include the disposal of ACM to an approved point, which may include landfill or storage points at Sites. • Environmental Cleaning. This will be required to give assurance that the permissible exposure limit (PEL) as set by OSHA are not exceeded for the deplanting and demolition of Magnox Sites. • Access Systems and Enclosures. Includes, but not limited to, installation and deployment of access systems including scaffolding, powered access systems, roped access and any other system of providing site staff and Contractor’s access to various locations at each of the facilities for the purposes of undertaking surveying, characterisation, full bulk asbestos stripping treatment & stabilisation, monitoring, and environmental cleaning. • Deplanting of radiological buildings and equipment. • Deplanting of Plant and Equipment, including lifting and the setting down of heavy items. • Radiological Decontamination of plant and structures prior to D&D. • Decommissioning of plant and equipment, including cooling pond furniture removal. • Decommissioning and de-planting of active and non-active water treatment plants, active laundry buildings, and structures associated with waste retrieval and processing. • Decommissioning and deplanting of radiologically contaminated tanks. • Decommissioning of switchgear and associated plant. • Boiler house and Reactor Building de-planting. • Demolition of non-contaminated structures, offshore structures, and sewage systems. • Removal of hard-standings and roads. • Making good the surrounding areas or buildings where partial demolition has taken place in line with the Code of Practice for full or partial demolition. • Disposal off site of scrap metal arising on site. • Land remediation. • Waste segregation, minimisation, and disposal via appropriate waste routes. • Project management to deliver end to end projects, manage subcontractors and act as Principal Contractor. • The scope also includes for the provision of professional services to undertake planning, scope definition, temporary works design, design activities and project management when required. Additional information: As set out in the procurement documentation the intention is to award frameworks to 3 to 4 tenderers for this Lot

Renewal Options

The framework will be for four years with two one-year optional extensions, making for a total framework duration of six years. The exceptional characteristics detailed in the Invitation to Tender document which is available through CTM. (box restricted to 400 characters!)

CPV Codes

  • 45110000 - Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
  • 45111000 - Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
  • 45111100 - Demolition work
  • 45111300 - Dismantling works
  • 45262660 - Asbestos-removal work
  • 79723000 - Waste analysis services
  • 90650000 - Asbestos removal services
  • 90722200 - Environmental decontamination services
  • 98391000 - Decommissioning services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

