Publication summary: Week 45, 2021

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For week commencing Mon 08 Nov 2021:

  • 2,339 total notices
  • 2,046 unique titles
  • 731 main buyers
  • 1,561 named suppliers
  • £6B highest value contract

29% of published notices are unique, respondable opportunities.

Top tenders by value

Facilities Management Service Solutions London £6B
Digital Documents Solutions (DDS) Framework London £5B
Borough of Scarborough JV Partnership North Yorkshire £4B
Functional Assessment Services (FAS) Sheffield £3B
Highways Services - Term Maintenance Reigate £2B
Children's Residential Placements - Consortia Commissioning - Framework Third Re-Opening July Southampton £2B
NHS for Branded Medicines - National Runcorn £2B
Bath Clean Air Zone (CAZ) Financial Assistance Scheme Bath £2B
National Framework for Demolition and Land Preparation Rugby £1B
New Medium Helicopter (NMH) Bristol £1B
ESCC LC Highways Infrastructure Services 2023 Lewes £730M
Emergency Services Network (ESN) - Lot 2 User Services London £600M
Safe Regeneration Framework Acting by Its Agent Rise Construction Framework LTD Liverpool £600M
Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications Framework London £500M
Servers Storage Solutions National Agreement Reading £500M
Decommissioning & Asbestos Removal (DAR) Framework Thornbury £485M
Finder Duplicate Ad - Application for a Care Home St Austell £355M
Childrens Residential & Foster Care Placements Widnes £336M
Integrated Street Cleansing, Waste Collections and Winter Maintenance Services Wembley £300M
EEM Framework Windows and Doors Alfreton £249M
Windows and Doors Framework Alfreton £249M
Homecare Services in Lincolnshire Lincoln £220M
Childrens Residential & Foster Care Placements Widnes £168M
Derbyshire Adult Social Care and Health Supported Living Framework Matlock £166M
Public Healthcare - Outsourcing DPS Edinburgh £150M
Refuse and Recycling Products Leicester £150M
Integrated Drug and Alcohol Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Service for Young People & Adults Blackburn £140M
Estates and Facilities Management Services (Maintenance and Minor Works, Security: Guarding & Reception and Cleaning) London £125M
In Relation to Home Care Services - Second Anniversary Re-Opening Southampton £120M
Domiciliary Care Lead Patch Provider Framework - March Bromley £110M
South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) – Consultancy Services Framework Port Talbot £105M
Enhanced Capital Delivery Programme 2022 Stockton on Tees £100M
Dungavel House Immigration Removal Centre London £92M
Project Management Support Didcot £80M
Supported Living Services in Bromley Bromley £78M
GP Services (APMS) for the Limes Surgery, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire Hertfordshire £76M
Waste Management Services Bolton £75M
Equipment - Operated London £70M
SCC WT Community Equipment Services Reigate £70M
EC09/01/2635 Southampton £67M
Residual Waste Treatment Services Derry £67M
Paisley Grammar School Community Campus (PGSCC) - Principal Contractor (PC) Paisley £65M
Digital Test Platform - Service Continuity, Transition and Exit Leeds £56M
Kirklees Integrated Substance Misuse Service Huddersfield £55M
Major Investment Works 2022-2026/7 for First Choice Homes Oldham Limited Oldham £55M
PfH Appliances Framework Warrington £50M
Property Developer for BBC Birmingham London £50M
Estates Services for Highways England Leeds £50M
Cambridge City Council - Market Engagement Event - Planned Maintenance Cambridge £48M
Cambridge City Council – Market Engagement Event – Planned Maintenance Cambridge £48M
Cumberlege Programme Leeds £45M
Low Carbon Heat to the Seaham Garden Village via a District Heating Network Durham £45M
Supported Living Services in Bromley Bromley £41M
Healthy Happy Minds' Pilot to Support Therapeutic and Counselling Services in Primary Schools 202122 Education Authority… Belfast £40M
Highways and Transportation Services Worcester £40M
Southeastern Rail Replacement Bus Services London £40M
Develop and Construct - Appointment of Integrated Supply Team - Ballycastle Shared Education Campus - Ref… Belfast £40M
Develop and Construct Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for St. Ronan's College, Lurgan - Ref MA14… Belfast £38M
Buckinghamshire Highways Term Consultancy Services Aylesbury £36M
Data Centre Rationalisation (DCR) - RFI Corsham £34M
Educational Materials Including Art and Craft Materials, Educational Play Equipment and Musical Instruments and Supplies Belfast £34M
ULEV and Electric Car Leasing for BBC Employees London £33M
NTPP2_CR002_School-led Tutoring London £32M
Local Bus Services Sheffield £32M
WD2 – PVC-U and Timber Windows and Doors Livingston £30M
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme in Birmingham (DESP), Solihull and the Black Country (West Midlands) Birmingham £29M
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme in Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country (West Midlands) Birmingham £29M
Design Team Appointment for Winslow Centre Regeneration Aylesbury £28M
Kirklees Integrated Substance Misuse Service Huddersfield £28M
Training in Functional Skills. This Project Is Part Funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) Skills… Chester £27M
Drug, Alcohol & Family Support Services Within Gwent Newport £26M
Labs Testing Tender - REACT London £26M
Immobilisation and Associated Products London £25M
Cleaning Services - BTH Blackpool £25M
Roofing Services Leeds £25M
Seats and Above Aylesbury £23M
Aids & Adaptations, and Specialist Works London £22M
Children's and Young People's Integrated Therapies Service London £22M
Merseytravel Hydrogen Bus Trial Liverpool £21M
Refurbishment of 84 Moorgate (Electra House) London £21M
Leeds Health Economy Leeds £20M
Estates and Facilities Management Services (Maintenance and Minor Works, Security: Guarding & Reception and Cleaning) London £20M
Homecare Services in Lincolnshire Lincoln £20M
Recruitment and Management of Childrens Agency Social Workers West Midlands £20M
Hugh Stewart Hall of Residence Refurbishment and Extension Nottingham £19M
Hugh Stewart Hall of Residence Refurbishment and Extension Nottinghamshire £19M
ERDF Retrofit Programme Belfast £19M
Estates Services for Highways England Leeds £18M
Department for Transport UK Vehicle Hire Call-Off Liverpool £18M
DHSC Assisted Testing RTS Call- Off Lot 1 London £17M
WD2 – PVC-U and Timber Windows and Doors Ystrad Mynach £16M
Vending Machine Services and Vending Machine Innovation Manchester £16M
Cleanroom Consumables and Laundry Services Cambridge £15M
Competitive Land, Design and Build Framework NIHE North Region Portadown £15M
Medals, Stars, Clasps, Awards, Badges, Coins and Other Associated Items Gloucester £15M
Pharmacy Cleanroom Consumables and Laundry Services Fulbourn £15M
Temporary and Permanent Catering Staff Manchester £15M
Endoscopy Accessories Belfast £15M
Enteral Nutrition Products and Services Procurement the Leeds Health Economy South Yorkshire £14M
Security Services Leeds £14M